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black hair like algae


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Search the site for Black beard algae....that will provide you with the info you need. I found a combination of treating with Flourish excel and getting a couple of black line flying foxes...now very little BBA in the tank.

Good luck

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He could be referring to hair algae, I have some of this black stuff taking over my plants too. Is it long and wispy growing in conglomerations around the tops of plants, relatively easy to remove? Or short and growing in small patches, very hard to scrub off heaters and ornaments.

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The way I get rid of Black Beard Algae is to take out all the carbon from the filter / s

Double dose the tank as per instructions on the bottle of Florish excel and don't do a water change for at least a week.

I notice that all the black beard turns white then disappears.

Note: double dosing will kill your twisted val and riccia. but has no effects on discus, clown loaches, bristlenoses (common and golden) and guppies as well as kribensis.

Happy dosing.

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