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Filters - media


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Ive read lots of very contradicting information about this subject..

I have a hangover the side filter, It came with my tank when i bought it.. Unfortnatly i dont remember the model - the tank is a waterhome 25 from animates, the filter is something like an aquaplus something

Anyway.. the filter came with media

1x foam sponge thing

1x bag of carbon

1x bunch of weird round thingies .. i dont remember the name.. biostones or something?

Ive been told:

1 - The instructions on the filter said to change it all monthly..

2 - Ive been told change only one of the three media types per month

3 - also been told dont change anything until the flow is restricted.

I havnt actually done anything to the filter since i got it (beginning of november 05)

Oh actually i have pulled the plastic tube that sticks into the water off to clean them as they have been blocked up almost completly a couple of times

Recently ive also read about people saying not to use the carbon bags..

So what should i do

Currently the flow is fine, What media should i change first, when should i change it. Should i remove the carbon completly.. if so what should i replace it with

The LSF sell the three types of media for $8 each at the right size to fit into the filter.. is that expensive

Another question.. is this particular filter or kind of filter not very good... Should i have a better one like a canister.... i am a bit interested in the sump method of filtering ie being able to put the heater and everything down in there rather then in the main tank - but thats for another day i think!

Im just a bit concerned over my filter - especially since its a "one that came with the tank type" - that sort of thing are never the best

I guess it works okay, The tank is generally clean and clear, Water chemistry is okay, But the thing is the fish population is starting to increase now that its fully cycled and things are looking better

Sorry for rambling alot in this post, Im not quite so good at constructing easy to understand ... words!!!!!!!!

Thanks in advance for your replies

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Ok, now a few questions:

1, How big is your tank? W x D x H

2. what fish do you currently have?

3. Is your tank Planted?

I currently use a HOB (Hang On Back) filter for my wcmm (White Cloud Mountain Minnows) and all i have in the filter is some wool and ceramic noodles in it. from time to time I give noodles a quick rinse then put it back. If flow is really bad due to filter wool then I would replace it.

Have fun

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Aquaclear 50 power filter

Specs say:

Max flow: 757lph

Min: 250lph


3ft (900x 300x 300).. or 900x 400x 300 - cant remember


6x glowlight tetra

5x neon tetra

2x dwarf gourami

2x baby electric yellow cichlid (smaller then tetras atm)

1x red tail shark

3x baby bristlenose

The tank is planted. Not heavily - 6 plants along the back

Should take photo...

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AquaClears are great. All you have to do it clean the sponge in a bucket, using tank water, when the water flow from the filter drops. The filter will also tend to push the sponge up, knocking the lid off, when it needs a clean.

Put the bioballs or whatever in the bottom with the sponge on top. Don't bothre using the carbon bags.

One of my AquaClears has been running 10 years and still with the original sponge.

Only people who sell the equipment tell you to buy new ones :wink:

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Awesome. Good to hear they are good filters

At the moment the sponge is on the bottom, Carbon in the middle and the bio balls are at the top

The thing came with a red bag to put the bio balls in however i have seen them being sold in large bags, Can i just fill the filter up 2/3rds with the bioballs and then just put the sponge on top?

Or will i need to keep them bagged up?

Which is the part that contains most of the good bacteria?

Gonna rid the carbon

Gonna clean the sponge

Do i ever need to do anything with the bio balls - ie clean/change etc

What does the carbon do if you dont change it

I think thats all the questions!

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If you don't change the carbon it releases all the bad stuff back into the tank.

I had Siporax in mine and they were loose (once the bag disintegrated). Putting the sponge on top kept the Siporax in place.

The balls will have the most bacteria. I just gently rinsed them when the gunk got too thick.

Fill with as many bioballs or Siporax stuff you can.

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With any filter it pays to remember that it is basically a biological filter. The microrganisms are doing most of the work, the media is just the place that they are living. The whole thing is like a living equation-- the bugs expand to fit the food available, remove the food (by cleaning the media) and the bugs die off and will only multiply when adequate food is available. My advice is don't clean the filter until the flow is restricted because it only works properly when half full of gunk and therefore loaded with microorganisms.

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