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Food for Sick Hornet


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I recently got a pair of hornets and one of them beat the other up in transit.

The beaten one, the female, lost a fair few scales and developed a fungal infection which is healing rather nicely now and she is getting her colour back, but I can't get her to eat anything and she is starting to look quite thin.

She won't take flake or bloodworm, or bits of meat; raw, cooked or rancid.

Any suggestions on what I can put in front of her that she is likely to want to eat more than other food?

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as a variety food yeah they may, they would eat spiralina food so mayb, just a random outburst really. :lol:

if she has been getting better gradually for a little while it's probably quite likely that she is holding and not eating bcause of that.

have you been able to c any eggs or anything?

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well, not having a clue what i was doing i picked her up out of the water and gently persuaded her to open her mouth - i saw a tongue and thats about it...

she is getting used to me picking her up because i'm tending her wound a couple of times a day, so i'm not worried about picking her up often

what is it that i am looking for? i imagined i'd fine some kind of jelly of eggs on the inside of her cheeks...

Progress report:

she is swimming around more now and has her colour back - there is still a huge red patch on her side which i'm treating three times a day with Chris Brand Miracle Fluid (home-made MelaFix). water changes once a day of about 20%, with a light dosing (about 1/4 recommended) of methylene blue to help keep the fungal levels in the water down and a heavy dose of aquaplus in an attempt to help calm her.

unfortunately she is still not eating and i really hope that will not be her downfall. i don't suppose you can force liquid food down their throats?

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Well the last day or so was interesting!

I went in yesterday morning to check on all the fish, and she was trying to leap out of the tank! She punctuated this behaviour with lying-on-her-side-at-the-bottom-gasping and swimming-erratically.

I don't know what exactly her problem was but i think there might have been a Nitrogen spike in the quarantine tank, and i was unable to test for it because of the methylene blue in the water - damn those colour-change based tests!

I took her out and thought 'nothing can be bad compared to what i got her out of' and threw her in my community tank where the water is well looked after.

She flipped around for a bit and gasped a lot, but after about 10 minutes she was sitting upright and 'jumping' from one resting place to another.

Today she is swimming mid-water with all her fins fully extended and hunting around in the substrate - I am assuming for food!

Hurrah! :) :bounce:

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the water was a bit N-high when i put it into the holding tank but she was happy in the tank i took the water from so i saw no harm - i had been doing water changes and vacuming out the food every day so i was surprised when she started trying to get out...

the water came from my 600l convict tank - i think that there is a LOT of crap floating around in that water - fungus and bacteria and the like - so i rekon the methylene blue and melaleuca killed off all those organisms and their decaying remains caused a breakdown in water quality.

i don't know how likely that sort of thing is, but it is the only thing i can think of...

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