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Oh. Migod


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LOL well, my "large" 56L tank (2') is kind of heavily planted, I think that one will stay that way...

So maybe a rocky tank would make for somediversity! :lol:

I want to keep small AND large fish lol... that's not really possible, is it?

I think I want to go for a few large fish - that way they can have names, instead of the shoal simply called "the neons" :P

I *do* like the look of the fire-bellied (???) oscars... they look cute as babies :D

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A couple of oscars would fit nicely in a 4ft and you would not get any plants to survive with them. Any landscaping you try won't last either :lol:

If you go for African cichlids you will get small and large (though not as big as oscars) as many are mouthbrooders.

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I hate to say it, but I'm not really keen on guppies...

Maybe I could just have a HUGE community tank..

Or, I've heard of like, "themed" tanks? Where all your fish come from one area? Anybody do this? If so, have you got any ideas?

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Try http://www.africancichlids.net

Carla told me about that site last night. I had fun playing with the puzzles :D Lots of pics there.

As for a themed tank, what about an Amazon rainforest stream? You would need soft water for this with a filter to provide good flow but not too much current.

Suitable plants would be cabomba, dwarf swords (Echinodorus tenellus) Amazon sword (E. paniculatus), hairgrass (Eleocharis acicularis).

Suitable fish: bristlenose catfish (Ancistrus sp), emerald catfish (Brochis splendens), cardinal tetras, silver tipped tetras, rummy nosed tetras, bleeding heart tetras, neons, angels, hatchetfish, whiptail catfish, discus

South East Asia River:

Plants; red rotala, hairgrass, crypts, vallis and if you vcan find them - water shamrock (Marsilea crenata), Japanese cress (Cardamine lyrata), onion plant (Crinum thaianum)

Fish; kuhli loach, rosy barbs, striped barb, spanner barb, 5 banded barb, Siamese fighter, clown loaches, pearl danio, giant danio, red tailed black shark, harlequins, scissortails

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Carla, you're a gem :)

The filter I've got at the moment (Came with the tank, along with a heater.thermostat & large airstone) is a Shark 3. I noticed that Shark is simply a brand name, and that it's made by Sicce? I don't know the power output of this pump... :roll:

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Yes, Sicce make the Shark filters. I always found them good. Find a site that advertises these filters for sale as they should give the power output, or find one in your lfs. Masterpet distribute them in NZ I believe.

Here is some info on the PF Shark series which I think is what you may have...

PF1 - 150L, 33UK gal, 40USA gal

PF2 - 225L, 50UK gal, 60USA gal

PF3 - 300L, 66UK gal, 80USA gal

PF4 - 400L, 88UK gal, 106USA gal

PF5 - 500L, 110UK gal, 132USA gal

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Just got back from Hollywoods (another $70 gone!)

I was told that the Shark 3 wouldn't be enough for my tank - the tank holds 248 Litres!!!! :o

So, when I have my stand (in about 6 weeks), I'll be getting a Fluval 304.. $219 :o

This "hobby" is just getting more & more expensive!!! :lol:

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Thanks for the kind words too *blush*.

How about some nice cichlids then? They are so much fun as they actually do show some behaviour rather than just swim from left to right and back (in between eating their babies like my good minnows).

Must get organised, look under the house and then put up a suitably large tank and get a wishlist to Fee....

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  • 4 weeks later...



The Chichlid website says they get quite big, and I'd have to upgrade the tank in a couple of years... I'm trying to get a rein on this hobby!!!

I want some medium sized fish... I think I'm going to have to spend a good couple of hours in Hollywoods working out what I want in there... They're a good crew :)

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I bought some dwarf gouramis at Hollywoods in the weekend, to go with the tetras and minnows that I got from you (Aqua).

Good looking fish, eat anything and everything you throw at them, don't hassle the other fish. Like to have there own teritory in the tank, especially the one busy building a bubble nest.

I've also got:

2x Flying Foxes (1 would have been plenty)

2x Kuli Loaches (hardly ever seen, but amuse the kids when they do come out)

1x Clown Loach (highly recommended),

and 2x Bristle nose cats(also highly recommended).

I'm not sure what I'll get next to make up the balance of my tank.

Maybe some Mollies.

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KerryO said...

> I've also got:

> 2x Flying Foxes (1 would have been plenty)

I would say 4 is a comfortable minimum, they (especially if

we're talking about SAEs) do better in groups.

> 2x Kuli Loaches (hardly ever seen, but amuse the kids

Such is the way of kuhlii loaches :)

> 1x Clown Loach (highly recommended),

I'd highly recommend getting 2 or 3 more, once again they

behave differently and seem to 'do' better in groups.

> Maybe some Mollies.

I'd recommend *against* mollies. They tend to be a lot

trickier to do well than their common-ness would suggest.

JMHO, of course.


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A couple more Clown Loaches would be a good idea KerryO :) They like to be in groups... I got two, and they've ended up hanging around my catfish most of the time, so when I've got some spare $$ I'll get a couple more :P

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Aqua said...

> ... I got two, and they've ended up hanging around my catfish

> most of the time...

I had 8 (now 7) Corydoras metae from Derek Heath in my

community tank but almost never saw them (except for the

occasional glimpse as one or more swam up the back of the

tank). Once I added the 4 (now 3) clown loaches the Corys

became much more confident and are now seen all the time,

in various parts of the tank, often with clown loaches in tow.


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Well the book I read said they (Clown Loaches) are fine in groups when young, but only one adult per tank is recommended.

Mine is a young one, but I didn't want to have to get rid of some when they had grown to adults.

He seems perfectly happy on his own, and started work as soon as I released him into the tank.

No other fish bother him, and he bothers no one.

I don't want to upset the balance, but at the same time I'd love some more of them.

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KerryO said...

> Well the book I read said they (Clown Loaches) are fine in

> groups when young, but only one adult per tank is recommended.

That's the beauty of fishkeeping, there are as many ways to do

things as there are people who do them. For some other

opinions have a look at:


http://www.loaches.com/species_pages/bo ... nthus.html

http://www.animalnetwork.com/fish/profi ... cordNo=226

and so on...


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