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Hi all,

I've been keeping fishies for about 14 years now. And I found this forum from an online search looking for some answers as to why my clown loaches were vanishing (they actually found a way into my undergravel filter, and resurface frequently). I have a ten gallon (yes, we dont use the metric system here, its the usa) tank, and five beta bowls currently. I also have a 63 gallon enclosure for my red eared slider that has kept me company since 1993 ( and I still have no clue how old he is.)

So greetings to you all, and I look forward to reading and posting on the forums!


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This site is just great...the people are wonderful here and always ready to help.

I also have a 63 gallon enclosure for my red eared slider

Any pics? What is a read eared slider???? Ah...turtle, sorry just guessing!

Have fun,


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