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Feeding Plants at xmas

stagger lee

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i am going away for 2 weeks over xmas new years. I have my flatmates feeding my fish so i am not too worried about them. Its the plants i am wondering about...

I fertilize my plants every day with leaf zone and a trace element supplement. If they didn't recieve this for 2 weeks would that be a problem?

Just don't want to leave the flatties a big list of intructions..."this tank gets such and such mls of this, but this tank only gets this many mls and then on every other day put this in..."

They would be like :o:o

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For two weeks they should be fine. Your flatmates will probably overfeed the fish a bit anyway and this will help the plants a little as long as it's not too much overfeeding. You'll need to really stress not overfeeding to your flatmates as my experience has always been an overfed tank while you're away.

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hey id agree with the others and say your plants would be cool 8) without food for a couple of weeks.

If you are worried about i have seen some automatic dosers on teh market which you could do. I knwo eheim make one and i cant remember the other brands i have seen but again its like they say not absolutely necessary.

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