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Skimmer test , Beckett


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I have little doubt that much of what you say will turn out to be correct.

After all the statement "what I've said" would embrace all the many topics you have spoken on, including water quality, lighting, iron, how to build a controller, zeovit, alkalinity, how to grow healthy sps, rock cooking, photography, sand and DSB's, to name but a few.

But are any of us 100% infallable? I think not.

My previous post was not to say how much of what you say I agree with or otherwise, it was simply a comment on the air in Christchurch. My theory is it has a "nutrient" added to it, probably iron, but maybe aluminium. You can tell by the high crime rate of the town, and the large number of grizly murders performed by it's citizens. The evidence is that in some areas this nutrient is very concentrated and has the effect of blocking the ability of people to take a pic of their tank.

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Yes it is more concentrated in some areas than others, so therefore what appears to be gaping holes in my theory, are in fact not gaping holes at all, because in some areas the whole thing is made much worse by the metal eating bacteria, which are fuelled by the hot air prevalent in certain parts. :lol:

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Beckett update,

I had to move the two skimmers to another tank as they would not skim for some reason.

Two days on the new tank and the becket is starting to skim well,

in terms of pumps required to run these things i have found that you do need a good pump to get better performance,

the via aqua 3600 is ok, but looking at the skimmer it could do with a far bigger pump.

one thing i dont like about the skimmer is that the gate valve is below the water level and the screw is starting to rust.

the deltec is not running at this stage.

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Dear Reef,

The screw can be removed. Better take them away before it affects your livestock.

Any pics?Thank you.

Beckett update,

I had to move the two skimmers to another tank as they would not skim for some reason.

Two days on the new tank and the becket is starting to skim well,

in terms of pumps required to run these things i have found that you do need a good pump to get better performance,

the via aqua 3600 is ok, but looking at the skimmer it could do with a far bigger pump.

one thing i dont like about the skimmer is that the gate valve is below the water level and the screw is starting to rust.

the deltec is not running at this stage.

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OK, TEST ON, Deltec vs Beckett.

i have run both skimmers in for two weeks and have moved to another tank.

after 1 day the Deltec mc500 has some skimmate in the cup. the Beckett is foaming but nothing in the cup.

I also put a bigget pump on the beckett as i felt it needed it as the bubbles were to big.

Photos show that the Deltec has much smaller bubbles vs Beckett.

Few things to change on the Beckett would be to add holes in the cup as the air cant escape ,i think this is why the neck gets so dirty. i have not screwed the cup hard down as i want the air to escape and let the foam rise.

Cleaning the Beckett skimmer is a pain as you have to undo all the screws. a quick release neck would be better.

The beckett has a lot of bubbles going in the tank. none from the Deltec

Deltec mce500

Dimensions: L 210 W 90 H 530(allowing for removal of the cup)

Stocking: Normal Stocking 550 Litres: High Stocking 360 Liters





Footprint: 20cm x 30cm

Total Height: 60cm

Reaction Chamber Diameter: 15cm

Maximum Capacity: 1400 liters ???



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the thumb screws are easy as. whould change them my self.

reef you are running the water level way too low. ross came over today at about 5ish and i had emptied the collection cup on the beckett at about 4ish and i had already collected more than what is shown in the pic of the deltec.

i have no doubt that the beckett if used correctly will blow that deltec out of the water.

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had already collected more than what is shown in the pic of the deltec.

SO, that does not mean much as you have been under skimming for some time, no wonder it is taking out so much.

have no doubt that the beckett if used correctly will blow that deltec out of the water.

Wishful thinking again.

reef you are running the water level way too low.

Much more higher and it will be filling the cup with water.

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under skimming?? i had one small clown

Then what is your skimming taking out that you had to empty the cup in such a short time frame.

i had emptied the collection cup on the beckett at about 4ish and i had already collected more than what is shown in the pic of the deltec

I can also skim water and fill my cup in 5mins

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i have no doubt that the beckett if used correctly will blow that deltec out of the water

big call brian and as arrogant as the rest of the comments on this site when someone likes to disprove something with little more than a 'theory' and no evidence to show otherwise. skimming is not based on the biggest pump and number of bubbles. deltec are world renown for a reason. even so, proof is in the pudding. imo i personally dont trust the outcome of this test simply based on who is running it (no disrespect reef, but you do import deltec so it would be advantageous to you) however i am intrigued to see the results as they unfold :D

oh, and the amount of skimmate measured in 'litres' or part thereof is a waste of time. the darker the skimmate the more doc is removed (in theory) half a litre of dark skimmate may have easily removed way more nutrients than 2 litres of light skimmate.

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the darker the skimmate the more doc is removed (in theory) half a litre of dark skimmate may have easily removed way more nutrients than 2 litres of light skimmate.

But 2 litres of light skimmate MAY remove more waste from the tank than half a litre of dark skimmate. You can't really tell whether it has or not.

It's pretty difficult to quantify this sort of thing.


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i personally dont trust the outcome of this test simply based on who is running it (no disrespect reef, but you do import deltec so it would be advantageous to you) however i am intrigued to see the results as they unfold

Yea, I am going to rig the test, just so I can capture the huge market for Deltec skimmers in New Zealand as I am really desperate.

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But 2 litres of light skimmate MAY remove more waste from the tank than half a litre of dark skimmate. You can't really tell whether it has or not.

It's pretty difficult to quantify this sort of thing

either way, same point being made.

Yea, I am going to rig the test, just so I can capture the huge market for Deltec skimmers in New Zealand as I am really desperate

who knows you might have a hidden agenda 8) didnt say it would be rigged, it simply could be biased. everyone thought it, i just said it.

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The Bk is working well . but still has too many flaws as you have to stuff around to get it to peak performance.

BK are developing new pumps for teh skimmers which can adjust the speed of the pump so you can get the correct air/water ratio.

BK are sending me a new impeller, been waiting for a year, they are using new plastic impellers vs the titanium impellers which were suppose to be the best. the titanium impellers are too heavy.

Rate the BK up there with the best.

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you should know by now that DSB's don't remove most types of nutrient

just asking for a fight aren't we layton :D

i hear the BK is quite expensive? more so than deltec? i also read that most people RAVE about them as being the best skimmer since sliced bread. its american made isnt it? sounds a bit like the american car mentality 'more cubes equals more power' :lol: *add cheesy texas accent* ah dont laaike those funny lil' turbo things they put on those japanese veehikles ya hear, gimme some more chevy power earl *end cheesy accent*

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Ha Ha that's funny about the titanium, when they first came out the titanium was supposed to be the big secret behind the performance. There were a bunch of posts on overseas boards with theories how the titanium might achieve this, such as saying it imparted a charge to the bubbles, etc.

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