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changing filter sponges


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any advice on this? i have read something somewhere about things that should be done to the new sponges first but can't remember where.

i have to change them as the current ones are full of snails which are stopping the filter from operating properly.

thanks in advance :bounce: :D

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They need rinsing (in a bucket using tank water) when they get clogged enough to slow the water current too much. If your filter has more than one sponge, rinse only one each time then you always have plenty of the good bacteria left to keep working.

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They only need to be replace when they start to fall apart (which is never, or years atleast!) Just rinse using tank water as Caryl said, depending of the filter size number of fish, tank size etc, you might need to do this weekly, monthly, yearly,..... just keep an eye on the amount of flow coming out of your filter.

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This is a question - not a suggestion.

When they are rinsed would there be any advantage in adding some snail rid to the rinse water? This might kill off the population in the filter ........... maybe, perhaps?

Someone with more experience might be able to answer.



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I believe snail rid doesn't actually kill snails it just has an element (copper sulphate) which the snails don't like so they bail out of the water, which is where you scoop them out manually. You could add snail rid to a bucket of tank water then throw the filter sponge in but I haven't used any for ages so not sure how long it takes to work, might be too long and your good bacteria on the filter sponge will start to die. You could try a strong salt solution.

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I believe snail rid doesn't actually kill snails it just has an element (copper sulphate) which the snails don't like so they bail out of the water, which is where you scoop them out manually.

No, it kills them. Some may realize they're getting sick and try to run, but that's not because they're simply being driven away.

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