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Last time I bother with pictures


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Sorry guys my pictures were to big for you all to see , will not happen again as i don't think i'll bother again.

seems strange to me , you can post as many pictures as you want in as many threads as you want but as soon as you post in the tread FOR tank pictures there "too big " The one thread where you expect pictures so the dial up people know to either wait or avoid the tread ??

Maybe its just me but this seems nuts and is pesonall driving me away from this site. I thought it was about shareing information ,pictures and ideas ..seems only up to 128k

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That's truly a shame as you're pretty much the best fish photographer around these days. And I'm not just saying that for brownie points (you know I don't throw out undeserved compliments) I think anyone that looks at the covers and articles in the last years worth of Aquarium World can see that.

Sorry if you got growled at. Can I recommend just making an album in photobucket and linking people to it? That way they can only complain out of sheer silliness...

Just lost 3ig 3luE. Sad night fo the discus tank. :cry:

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seems strange to me , you can post as many pictures as you want in as many threads as you want but as soon as you post in the tread FOR tank pictures there "too big " The one thread where you expect pictures so the dial up people know to either wait or avoid the tread ??

Hi Paul,

Can't understand why you are having probs.

The size limit for "everyone" is 640x480.. and you have posted quite a number in that section without any probs... and "all" that size by the look of things... so what has changed..?

http://www.fnzas.org.nz/fishroom/breedi ... t8597.html

http://www.fnzas.org.nz/fishroom/700l-c ... t8596.html


http://www.fnzas.org.nz/fishroom/nd-com ... t5128.html


I'm on Dialup... and they all loaded pretty quick for me... plus the quality was top notch.


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Hi Paul,

Can't understand why you are having probs.

The size limit for "everyone" is 640x480.. and you have posted quite a number in that section without any probs... and "all" that size by the look of things... so what has changed..?

http://www.fnzas.org.nz/fishroom/breedi ... t8597.html

http://www.fnzas.org.nz/fishroom/700l-c ... t8596.html


http://www.fnzas.org.nz/fishroom/nd-com ... t5128.html


I'm on Dialup... and they all loaded pretty quick for me... plus the quality was top notch.


No idea Bill, did just the same , upload to photobucket , then posted from there .???? Just getting very sick of the politic's and rubbish going on here and questioning myself if its worth it.

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Hey Paul

I have no idea what politics you are talking about but please don't stop posting. I get huge pleasure from your photos as do lots of others. As Pegasus says, you take wonderful pictures. I'd be very sad if I could no longer look at them.



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:o:o I didn't know that there was a size limit as such!!. All I do is upload them to photobucket like the rest of you do and then post the %7Boption%7D section to the thread and the pictures come up large but once fully loaded they resize by themselves. Not that my pictures are anywhere near the standard of yours which I to think are totaly awesome and can't wait till I get my new camera next year with a 2cm macro mode :D.

Don't stop putting pics up. I totaly love the pictures you took of your two bettas doing their dance (or fish porn lol)

But I love them :D

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Sorry guys my pictures were to big for you all to see , will not happen again as i don't think i'll bother again.

seems strange to me , you can post as many pictures as you want in as many threads as you want but as soon as you post in the tread FOR tank pictures there "too big " The one thread where you expect pictures so the dial up people know to either wait or avoid the tread ??

Maybe its just me but this seems nuts and is pesonall driving me away from this site. I thought it was about shareing information ,pictures and ideas ..seems only up to 128k

no need for this post Paul. You could've replied to my pm and we would've sorted it.

I have asked the users of this site on many occassions to at least limit the width of photos to a maximum of 640px and to try to use a decent compression to get photos below 100 kbyte (preferably below 60kbyte).

The members tank section is the only area where I have direct control and I will ask people to change photos when to big.

In the not to distant future the use of the %7Boption%7D in regular posts will be managed differently. For most people this is not a problem because they comply anyway. For others ... too bad

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no need for this post Paul. You could've replied to my pm and we would've sorted it.

I have asked the users of this site on many occassions to at least limit the width of photos to a maximum of 640px and to try to use a decent compression to get photos below 100 kbyte (preferably below 60kbyte).

The members tank section is the only area where I have direct control and I will ask people to change photos when to big.

In the not to distant future the use of the %7Boption%7D in regular posts will be managed differently. For most people this is not a problem because they comply anyway. For others ... too bad

its your site Cee's and you call the shots so fair enough, i thought i was adding something possative to the site by shareing what i've always thought to be good pictures and the like but if not wanted then thats ok too, i never replied to your pm because i wrongly assumed that the 50kb you put was a typo , and your PM was quickly followed by another saying my pictures had been deleted. Still i've met some really nice peple on here, i'll miss them

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Oh Pleeease this is absolutely ridiculous.

Billaney obviously you have some great images, I don't know because they are too big for me to see on my pathetic rural connection (broadband can not reach out here). If you are the photographer they say you are why don't you learn to resize your images yourself so that we can ALL enjoy them. It's not about loss of quality. Take a look at http://www.thegirlzgardencentre.com none of those images are over 30kb. The quality is great.

It's no good relying on sites such as photobucket to rezise your images, they don't seem to take the dpi down, they just rezize the pixels. Resizing is about getting the DPI down to 72 which is the resolution of your screen so will not do anything to pic qual AND about the pixel size which as cees said can be 400 and something which I think is still very large.

There is an article in the latest netguide I think this month on how to resize with popular programs, I suggest you get this and take a look before dissapearing in a sulk. The person you need to be mad it by the way is me I BROUGHT THIS ISSUE UP and I'm not sorry, but please don't take it out on the great people at the forum.

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Here’s the thing, I have taken the image of your breeding tank – amazing set up by the way. First I have cropped the image to the important bits. Your image size is 640 x 480 px it is 117.34 kb. It took me 5 minutes to download it. Now here is a resized version – I have made it 450 px width, I’ve resampled to 72dpi. I cleaned the image up a little to bring out the contrast and saturation. Now tell me this image isn’t better than the very large one you had…

Hang on how do I submit images to this part of the forum :lol:

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Here’s the thing, I have taken the image of your breeding tank – amazing set up by the way. First I have cropped the image to the important bits. Your image size is 640 x 480 px it is 117.34 kb. It took me 5 minutes to download it. Now here is a resized version – I have made it 450 px width, I’ve resampled to 72dpi. I cleaned the image up a little to bring out the contrast and saturation. Now tell me this image isn’t better than the very large one you had…

Hang on how do I submit images to this part of the forum :lol:

Cath , its not a matter of what i'm capable of doing or not, I'm a MCSE

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Cath asked:

Hang on how do I submit images to this part of the forum

http://www.fnzas.org.nz/fishroom/postin ... t2406.html

Paul said:

Cath , its not a matter of what i'm capable of doing or not, I'm a MCSE

Ok guys... let's try to settle this in a peacable manner.

Look at it this way Paul.

The site Admins have set a restriction of file size.. and ALL members... not just you... are asked to abide by these limitations.

So look at the other side.

If we get a number of members downloading huge files onto the site, then for a great number of users on Dialup, these pics would be just ignored, because there is nothing worse that waiting for pics to download.

You may have BB... but for those on Dialup, watching a blank screen while pics download.. then watching it jump as you "try" to scroll down to read the text or next post.. is no fun.. (especially if you are checking posts).. nor is it fun if you have to constantly scroll sideways due to oversize pics, as this effects the whole thread, which is off to one side.... so think about others instead of just what suits your needs.

If there was "no" restriction.. then the site would be at a snails pace most of the day.. so (no disrespect.. I love your work and all you do..).. but think of others... think of the "community" in general.. not just about the few extra minutes it will take you to comply with the site standards.


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I can see where Paul is coming from, sometimes a bigger pic shows more detail. eg; My fish stripping pic, I would of liked to have left as bigger. & as for fish tank shots, shrinking a 10 ft fish tank down to 640.

I see where the admins are coming from, Cause it could get out of hand.

I thought of asking if I can post a bigger picture on occassions,

but when I reiceve

IN http://www.fnzas.org.nz/fishroom/linkin ... t8669.html

images is too large, fielsize is too large


http://www.fnzas.org.nz/fishroom/linkin ... t8669.html

and fix it !!!!


I thought why bother,

As for dial up, I am on dial up half the times. I have no dramas waiting for a pic. Usually I have a couple of pages open & while waiting for a pic to download i check out other posts...not hard.

Frenchy :D

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I thought why bother,

What a poor attitude this is herefishiefishie.

The guidelines are there for a purpose.. and yes... they won't please "everyone" all of the time.. but 90% of the users here are happy to comply with them... and you would be hard pressed to find any site that will just allow you to post pics of any size without restriction.

Both yourself and Paul (and many others).. have posted some amazing pics on this site.. and nobody has ever complained about the quality.. even though they were within the specs set by the Admins.

As for dial up, I am on dial up half the times. I have no dramas waiting for a pic.

You are also in Australia... which "could" make a big difference. :)

If you want to "really" impress us all with your huge pics... then post the link.. and if we are interested we will take the time to view them.

Paul said:

Still i've met some really nice peple on here, i'll miss them

So you are going to give up all the nice people and friends that you have made, along with all the great pleasure you must have derived from this site over the years, over a small issue like this..?



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This is a most unfortunate discussion.

Interestingly this sort of thing is common on forums I have seen, but is almost exclusively because the server admins are worried about bandwidth for their server, rather than for dial up customers.

Perhaps a tag could be voluntarily added to subject lines to warn dial up people that large images are contained within? e.g. *big images*

Alternatively, there is external linking if you don't want to sacrifice quality. There are many sites that have free web hosting and you can link them from there.

It is implied that you are somewhat of a professional photographer? Or perhaps a published amateur? Either way, I can understand you being upset.

As a muscian, I would be less than pleased if the same request was made of me to have MP3's at only 128kb instead of a 192 bitrate.

Of course, as it always with these things, the person hosting has the final say. Your only recourse is to leave, as you have stated, if you cannot resolve these issues.

My advice, such as it is, is to take deep breath and see if a compromise can't be reached.

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I'm not meaning to belittle anyone. I am frustrated that I can't seem to make some people understand that you don't have to give up the quality of image if your images are resized properly.

I would love to be able to see these images but SOME of them are just far too big, my machine either crashes or I just don't have time to wait for them to download. (I'm talking 5 to 10 minutes per image. Now if I feel like this I am very sure there are many people like me who feel the same and when it is just so easy to fix I don't understand why some people are getting so anti the resizing.

Where can I upload the image I resized to make my point?

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