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When they are ready to spawn the males will get small white spots on their gills.

Look down on the fish from above. The females will be fatter and stick out slightly more on one side so the tail looks like it is slightly more left or right than centred along the spine. The males are slim and their body even on both sides so the tail looks centred.

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Its very easy to tell there sexes early in spring, males get white pimples on there gill plates & along the top of there peck fins, i find my female get alot fatter, plus they blush around the head more that the males.

I breed Red Caps, Comets, Calico Fans, plus Tancho Comets.

The males will start to chase the females, sometimes up to 3 to 4 weeks before spawning.

You can look under the fish, by its anal fin, but even the experts have troble sexing them that way when they are young.

Hope that has helped.


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Located in Auckland.

I breed Veiltail Comets, Red Cap Fans, Calico Fans & Tancho Comets.

Tancho Comets are a little like a Red Cap but have dark red stiped patterns on there body. Not orange, dark red, the rest of there body is white or silver.

Out of all the goldfish, they are my favourite, look like warriors.

Very much like a Koi Carp.

Which we are not aloud to keep, which sucks, only two contries in the world dont want them, us & Aus, crazy.

Dont get me started on that.

Dont see this breed around much anymore, ive had the strain for years.

And i only breed for myself.

Feel free to ask.



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