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***Eggs, snails or not, what do I doooo***?


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I have a pair of guppys and they dont lay eggs, I have a pair of bottom feeders / catfish, the albino ones and I have baby snails which I think hitched a ride on one of my plants. This in a small 1'x1'x1' tank. I now have another 4 foot which I am busy aquascaping.. I want to move these plants over but want to try and not take the little buggers over (snails). Over and above I find there is a couple blobs of jelly with eggs in them. The largest snail is no bigger than a 5 cent..... What do I do if they are fish eggs? if they are not what do I do to prevent this from taking over my tank?

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If they are blobs of jelly then more than likely they are snail eggs.

normal fish eggs are usually seperate and don't have a jelly holding them all together.

Guppies are livebearers so no eggs at all which is pretty cool

what you could do is to rinse the plants in some amonia first then give them a good wash with clean water.

Or you could get a couple clown Loaches to control snails

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cory eggs are in a sort of jelly. You have the same problem as me. I treated all my plants with double dose snail rid (copper sulphate) and it killed all the snails but not the eggs ---now overloaded with them. Tried snail trap and thought that was working (20 odd a day) bought a medium sized clown loach and still got heaps. Presently trying to catch all fish so I can dose the hell out of it. I am a bit reluctant to treat it with discus, cockatoo and clown loach (among others) in there.

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I think they are most likely to be snail eggs if they are on the plants.

You could introduce snail eating fish.

Bleach - soak plants for 2 to 10 minutes in a dilute bleach solution (about 1 part bleach to 20 parts water), then soak for 20 minutes in fresh water with a high concentration of dechlorinator. This may damage sensitive plants. Bleach also kills algae. Various species of plants are more sensitive than others and cannot tolerate this more intense treatment. You DO NOT use the bleach in the aquarium of course! Remove the plants and treat them separately.

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I have built 3 caves in my community tank to breed some cave spawners. I got a clown loach to keep down snails but I am in the process of getting rid of the snails permanently. this involves taking all the fish out. If I put it back will it eat the eggs of spawning fish or will it be OK back in there?

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