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OMG! :lol: :lol:

My white clouds have multiplied!! There's a swarm of little see-though things with large black eyes all over my tank! :P

I wasn't terribly prepared for this... :oops: I honestly thought it'd take a little while longer than a week for the WCMM to get to it!! :lol:

Just thought I'd share with you all...

thanks Caryl!!!!!!!!!!!! :P

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errrrrr, hard to tell, the blighters keep moving!!

There was a small school of about 10 floating in one corner, and multitudes more attached to the sides of the tank, maybe 20 - 30 or so per face?? :o

Sooo many!

What's good to use as a food? I was considering rushing to Newmarket this afternoon to get liquid food, as the Pet Shop doesn't have any brine shrimp, and they'd take a while to get edible, wouldn't they??

I'm such a newbie when it comes to this... :P

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lol I do believe that may have already happened... I hadn't really been looking at the tank for the past week, and now there's a lot of nearly invisible wriggly things in there... :lol:

Ah well, the petshop should sell me enough liquid food to last a lifetime anyway :D

What's the going rate on selling WCMM to retailers?? I was thinking maybe $0.50 each... And how long are they tiny for? As in, how long before they're as big as the ones you'd buy??

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WCMM sell for as little as $1.95 In CHCH so I wouldn't think you'd get much for them.

I think shops take them once their big enough to survive in a comm. tank.

About a week ago I was asking the same questions as you (regarding zebra danios).

Here's some advice - don't worry about how much to sell them for until you have some to sell, because fry are vulnerable things, I lost ALL of my zebra danios on Wed and Thurs so now I have to start again.

Hope you have better luck than me :D

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Actually breeding the fish isn't that difficult. Keeping the fry alive is. Watch the egg yoke as it pollutes a tank very easily. If you haven't got any green water near your place (any stock troughs?) the liquifry from the shops would be best. Note there are 2 varieties - one for egglayers and one for livebearers.

Someone I know who has bred over 100 different species says she swears by Tetramin E (if I remember the name correctly).

Congratulations and I hope you manage to get them to a saleable size! :wink:

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hehehe stock troughs??? Sorry love, I live in the suburban garden.... I don't even have a lawn!! :(

Yeah, the pet store mentioned Liquifry for both egglayers & livebearers... Obviously I'd be using the livebearer :P

Tetramin E.... will keep it in mind :)

and if anything goes wrong, I'll blame Caryl - she started it!! hehehe :lol:

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Ooooh, that sounds good :)

Oh yeah, I bought a tube of Liquid food for the fry, and they seem to love it - almost as much as the adults do lol!

And I think maybe even the fry are pushing more babies out! There are SOOO many babies!!!!! I think that even if half of them die, I'm going to have one seriously overstocked tank.... maybe 5 or so can go to the tropical tank, and the rest can get sold/given away...

Anybody in the Auckland area interested if my babies make it through the first month or so?? :P

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How long does it normally take for the fry to reach a suitable size to be moved to other tanks to live? I want to move maybe 10 or so into my tropical tank, and I have a few friends that would be interested in taking as many fish off my hands as they could get away with :P

It's going to get interesting, because if say, half of the fry survive, the tank they're all in is going to be hugely overstocked lol - it's only 26L!!!

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