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peppermint schrimp


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They are here in NZ. From memory they were a lot more expensive than $50.00, perhapps $90.00 I forget.

I belive what happened was people went on and on about them, so some were broght in, then when it came to paying for them no-one went for it.

Expensive for what they are. I belive they come from the Carabean.


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They're what? $20 for a dozen everywhere but NZ?

It all comes back to freight.

The price i've seen them for in the UK is about 15-35quid ea. Not sure if they are significiently cheaper in the US, but expesnive in the UK.


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The main problem is keeping them in circulation with tanks full of aptasia's otherwise the'll just wither away

it's not a peppermint shrimps primary diet. in fact, the true peppermint shrimp is not even assured to eat aipstasia. there is another shrimp that looks similar to the true peppermint shrimp and apparently in the USA, is often sold as a 'peppermint' shrimp - but they don't touch aipstasia. the true peppermint shrimp is "Lysmata wurdemanni" thats the one you want.


if you're clever enough, you could even have a go at breeding them :D


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