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Wierd crazed killer-like scary fish

karly da fish

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im looking into starting up a tank for some odd little fishie sorts like piranhas, electric eels, giant big scary fish, rays, freshwater lobsters( saw some pretty blue ones) or any other creepy coolios i can find.. maby just one species though ... umm any suggestions how big of tank i would need or what i can have with what what temps i would need and everything else like what could i keep together withought them all eating each other or dying on me :hail:

Thanks Karly

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Lol Moose land because people think were all igloos and moose and eskimos :-? Im in BC

I know i can get piranhas here i looked around i can also get their vegetarian cousins... but thats no fun, i can get all sorts of wierd fish over here but the people selling them dont know enougha bout what i need to know

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:lol: :lol: Driving penquins :lol: :lol:

AND that the mounties actually wear their red serges all the time :lol: :lol: I'm the first to admit I don't know much about other countries...but the igloos, French, etc. unbelievable how many people think that of Canada...and...many from our neighbors to the south!

Ok...back to fish!

Do you have a large variety on the west coast?

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That would be us Monaro1 :evil: :evil: JUST KIDDING :lol: :lol: :lol:

But actually we are a large country (land mass that is).

Cape Breton is beautiful :P:P ...as many other parts of this great country.

Even since I was a little girl I wanted to go to Australia...and now I've added New Zealand to the list...but places I'll never get to see :(

But pretty cool...get to talk and become friends thanks to the internet.

Now, if we could just figure out how to send fish over the net...hmmmm :roll:

Karly...must be a huge variety of fish in BC and lots of pet stores???

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I've been to Vancouver, BC, Canada and found that it was like Auckland except that there are no eves over the side walk, so if it rained you got wet.

I was told that Banff was very similar to queenstown... can't comment cause I ain't been to either :roll:

vancouver I found was rather ho hum imo

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would I have to learn French? recognise moose? learn to defend myself against penguins? and book accommodation in igloos

Well, of course, you would Jude :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Wok, my daughter lives in Calgary which isn't all that far from Banff...she says it is beautiful. Hopefully, some day I'll be able to visit her :P

Where is our "moose" boy...gone to catch scary fishies??

Karly...you should introduce yourself in the welcome section. Give details about tank (s) as well.

If you find that your LFS people don't know alot about the fish...just check out what your looking for...then browse the net...AND OF COURSE...ask here.

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