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the starting of my tank


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Maybe you guys should team up and go about creating a supply of aquacultured lionfish.

When they say its on the banned list, what exactly do they mean? What are the rules about being banned?

Is it the same thing as kio carp- Where if you take it outa the water you cant put it back? I would imagine that no species endemic to New Zealand waters can be classified as such, otherwise the policy could actually destroy something that is supposed to be here in the first place - ie the lionfish.

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They have to give you the benefit of the doubt, especially with lack of evidence.

Not in this case. It's illegal, they can take it. And the size of the optional fine may surprise you.

That's optional as in it's their option wether to impose it!

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So if you say that you caught it fishing in the kermadecs, how can they still take it? If they took my lionfish man would I make a fuss!!!

I got a fine for drinking in public once(when underage) and I went to court to stick it to them! I made sure I got all my alcohol back too.

Can anyone name the act this is all under?

I like reading the legislation, as you can find interesting things out - for example urinating in public is acceptable if you "didnt expect to be seen". Or it's ok to be found peering into a residential house (a peeping tom) as long as it is 1 hour after sun up or before sun down.

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Feelers your at Uni right? You may need to get out of the classroom a little more! :lol: :lol:

My job takes me into Auckland City every night. I always get a laugh from seeing those drunk and arrogant students who think they know more than the cops get their butts kicked while being thrown into the paddy wagon. :D Making a fuss don't really help them.

Not you of course my friend :D But I can tell you I know this from experience I had some banned fish ( rudd ) removed from my place, the kids had been keeping them & giving them away. I honestly had no idea they were illegal to keep I had to lick butt I don't even like thinking about it.

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Lol nah I realise with dealing with the police especially while drunk its best to be nice and polite, its still good to know the law though.

If they lock you up illegally you cant really do anything about it - whos gonna believe you?

With more legislative action such as taking someones fish, knowing the law is quite important. Do they need a warrant to come get your fish? Do they bring the police with them? Its quite an odd situation I imagine.

What happens if youve moved the fish?

And dont worry, I'm not in the classroom too often!! :D

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I'd raise the middle finger to MAF. I have private medical insurance so the health concequences are of no concern to the government. The police would need a search warrent/writt, for a fish that is endemic to NZ and not listed as protected or endangered.

Either way I'd like to think it would get me on Cambell Live! or the news.

"Mans privacy invaded in search of fish"

"Something fishy: Mans home stormed by armed police in search of ornimental fish"

"Wellington mans rights violated in fishy circumstance"



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"Man who talk too much may later wish he could eat his words"

Hehehehe for sure confusia.

It would be worth having them come to my house, so I could photograph them 'breaking down the door' (i wouldn't let them in). Sure it would cost me a door, but the photograph in the newspaper would more than pay for the damages!

Rest assured I will post any pictures here first.

As for fines. I watched a air-port security thing on TV the other week, a guy came into the country with 20 joints in a plastic bag. They confiscated the dope (of course!) and fined him $130.00! So if thats the fine for attempting to smuggle drugs, I wounder what the fine is for being in posession of a fish that has moved through a legitimate MAF approved quarantine facility (or a fish being caught in NZ waters, outside of the reserves of course!). Surley its not as bad as importing drugs, because if its even considered the same by the authorities its a pretty hefty penalty *end sarcasim*


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Hahahaha. Police can only respond to 1 in 5 burgalaries within 2 days so as a Tax payer i would be a little offened to think that Tax dollars would be spent hunting for a fish in a tank as opposed to responding to a serious crime like burglary, rape or assult. Still common sense does't always (or even often) prevail in government agencies.


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It isn't the police that come around.

It is the MAFia goon squad that use to be cops.

The one that visted me was a good looking chick,

and I couldn't dream of letting her stand outside the house,

and wait for her to break down the door.

I invited her in for a coffee, showed her, ummmm, what I had,

and she q'd my house and came back in a weeks time to confiscate the offending matter.

The cops are only involved when you refuse entry, or any of their requests.

A year or so back, a relly of one of the members here on the forum,

earnt himself a seven year stint as a guest of HMPS,

he had been smuggling in exotic fish, and made a slip up.

Alan 104

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