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Fire eels and ghost knifes


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I was just hoping that everyone could help with these little guys.

First up... Ghost knife.

I have had one before so its not so bad but this one never comes out of his cave and will only eat items that land within a centimetre of his cave. Even though he is out and about tonight.

second...Duke the fire eel.

I have had him for just over a week and he doesn't seem to want to eat. I saw the other post where people talked about what they feed them but duke still doesn't want to. I've tried flake, sprilina tablets(even though they are meat eaters), bloodworm, mussels, meat mix(fish and ox heart). and still nothing.

So I was wondering how i should go about feeding them? I've tried feeding them at night but the greedy silver dollars still seem to find it all.

Also is it odd that duke is moving from this treasure chest on the bottom and then moving up to the floating plants up top?? Is he still stressing?? The only tank mates these guys have are some silver dollars, a couple of kissing gouramis and a big pleco.

cheers all.

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I'm no help with the knife fish, but I've kept a fire eel before. They do take a while to get confident enough to eat, but when they do you'll wish they hadnt!! Mine loved bloodworms and refused to eat anything else [5 cubes a day when it was about 14"], but I've also seen them eat shrimp. They're really easy to hand-feed, and IMO it's the best way to make sure theyre getting food especially with other fish in the tank.

Good luck!!

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hi thanks for that.

It has been even longer and still nothing for duke. Everytime i see him he is upside down or up in the plants limp.

Should i move him to a different tank to see how he goes? do people put food in at night for them??

any comments will help.

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put him in another tank[duke] that is. give him some one-on-one time.

the silver dollars could be scaring him.

and try an earthworm---live, just soak it for a few minutes in clean water they will flush themselves.

make sure worm gets eaten,if not remove. just keep trying daily, i reckon he will go for it,never had one that would refuse.


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mine will eat nothing but shrimps(not frozen).he is around 550 long now and lies upside down all the time. i have heard that thay can take up to 3 weeks to eat after the move.i have never had this problem, when he is hungry he will put his head out of the water and stay there and eat out of my hand.he is a guts,he can eat a handfull of shrimps and still be looking for more,

good luck, hope that he eats soon

great pet

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  • 3 months later...

Hello there.

I have a ghost, he is in my 500liter tank, had him for 3 years now, got him when he was 100mm long, he is now 350mm long.

He lives with my b/n, plecos, barbs, silver dollars, silver sharks, moonlight gouramies, plus some other stuff.

He comes out all the time, hes a real character.

They told me when i got him he would eat my smaller fish, this is not the case, maybe when he gets bigger, say like 500mm, but no probs yet.

He will eat enything, flake, fish pellets, worms, blood worms, even eats peas.

He shares his home with my 4 clown loaches.

I was told the are very shy, but this guy is allways doing something.

Really cool fish.

Maybe try putting a clear class or plastick tube in your tank, he will think he is hiding, but you can still see him.

I think these fish are part blind.

Hope that has been helpfull.


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