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OMG...what next :o

Sitting here watching TV look over at tank and one of my platies is doing "somersaults"...flipping all over the tank...then boom...drops to bottom...looks like he's dead...so, I get the net to get him out...and he starts flipping around again....then again, flops to bottom, then suddenly starts flipping around again...

WHAT COULD BE HAPPENING...I don't want to loose another fish.

He's dead :(:(:(

I put a 2nd dose of melafix in tank today...can I test my ammonia, nitrites and ph with that added in there?

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Unfortunately caper, I would say you are going to lose another fish ...

I don't know what it is, but I have seen it before. I had a glass cat who started to do that. He lived for weeks, but he was circling and somersaulting and sinking. Eventually a friend took him away to "a better place".

I would say since in my experience it appears to be a complete loss of motor control that it is a neurological disorder - either spontaneous or related to pressure due to pop-eye that internalises. I think it is probably natural and completely unrelated to water parameters or your care.

Sorry mate - maybe I am wrong.

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I have got a sailfin molly doing the same thing. I noticed that the bigger one was picking on this one and the next morning it was bent and swimming about in circles. Now and again it would come right but then it would be right back to swimming about it circles and always in the same direction. It still feeds fine and is still alive and lately its been slowly comming right. There was a point where it was swimming either right on its side or upside down! lol. I have been told that its when their swimming bladder or lung has been punchered (thats going by the LFS info) as they showed me one that was doing it in their tank. Maybe it was the same thing for you. Its not fun to watch and it is horrible feeling soo helpless.

Sorry for your loss Caper.

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We've had a couple of fish do this in our malawi tank... if a fish gets picked on their swim bladder or lateral line can be damaged which cause it to be unbalanced and swim all freaky... usually the fish will never come right and die fairly soon. Best thing to do is put the poor thing out of its misery.

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When I removed him from the tank, there was nothing visible on the outside to indicate what happened to him.

Strange though, before he died, when he would fall on the bottom his gills weren't even moving...nothing was then he'd just start flipping around again.

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Hi Caper

Same here a few weeks ago I had a black neon do that too.

Couldn't see anything visible on the outside, put it in a hospital tank but only got worse. Layed on the bottom definitely looked dead next thing swimming round in circles, had to put it out of its misery. It was the only one.


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