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Crackers upgrade.


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The triple Luminarcs have made a HUGE improvement with light.

Would the bulbs not have made a bigger improvement? My torch was brighter than the blue bulbs you had previously.

The triple Luminarcs

They are not luminarcs. cheap copies, you cant get luminarcs in NZ.

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Very nice cracker, you must be chewing through the calcium now!!!

Approx 10 heaped tablespoons of each per week now!! (Ca, Mg, KH).

(dosed Thursday and Sunday).

Its too much all at once now!! (I guestimate the Thursday dose, and test on Sunday).

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Something else I missed while away nice and tidy

Nice job but I liked your old lighting made the tank look natural

What are Luminarcs?

Luminarcs are simply a relector for your MH bulbs. They have been scientifically designed to reflect as much direct light as possible ito as many angles as possible.

I have dropped from 4 lights to 3 as the reflection and spread is phenomenal, there fore saving power consumption too.

If you see some Fay, you will want some! I know you!!


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Not criticising at all. just fact.

They are not luminarc and the new bulbs would have made a huge difference, as they so much brighter. reflector is only as good as the light source.

Saying that the reflector is only as good as the light source is ridiculous A.

The bulbs are no brighter than any other 400watt MH I have used.

Why do high powered torches such as "MAGLITE" have super shiny scientifically designed convex reflective dishes in them. Are you saying the bulb is just as good as without the dish?

Try running a maglite torch without the dish and you wouldnt see an elephant crossing your front door step. It would be crap.

NO WAY......

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well i have seen a "luminarc" reflecting just a small light bulb at bubbles house and i was impressed. imitation or not. iam seriously thinking about it. it was dark in the room with just that small bulb on but the moment you put the reflector under it the whole room lit up which was quite awesome.

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Note: in the ad in the commercial section i advertise them as diamond reflectors :D you already have the fittings cookie, easy for you :)

Note: in your ads in the saltwater section, you refer to them as luminarcs:

http://www.fnzas.org.nz/fishroom/refugi ... tml#165405

http://www.fnzas.org.nz/fishroom/auckla ... tml#163509

http://www.fnzas.org.nz/fishroom/which- ... tml#158734

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