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External filters and Turtles..


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. :( ..

We lost one of our baby snakenecks to the fluval 103 external filter.. :( ..

Any suggestions as to what type of filter to use particularly for babies??

We have 22 large terrapins.. including 2 adult snake necks and use large external filters..

were using internal but they were useless..


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I assume the baby got sucked onto the filter in take hose? If this is the case all external/hang on filters would have the same issue. My suggestion would be to stick with what you have but either put filter wool over the inlet hose (which actually helps the filter anyway acting as a easerly changed pre-filter) or make some sort of guard to stop them getting too close. A bit of PVC tube with lots of small holes drilled in it would do the trick.

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That's sad to hear....

I'd also suggest putting a prefilter on the uptake, either that or a a mesh to stop this happening again.

As a sidenote my Eheim came with the optional uptake tube that has a nice mesh guard for the uptake pipe. Well worth the extra cost imho.


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Oh that's horrible... you do forget how small those feet are (my mesh guard is too open for hatchlings). I'd love to get a snake neck myself, and perhaps some more Red ears, so have had a bit of look into this..

One hint I was told for small ones, is get some very fine but strong netting (net curtains?) and use a strong elastic band to fix it over the opening in the tube.... The key is that mesh of the net is fine enough feet, limbs, etc can't get stuck in it.

That way you could continue to use the external filter..

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I'm using (not for turtles, but for my tank with the baby bristlenose in it) one of those "laundry bags" the gf has for washing her delicates ;)

It was a fine(ish) black mesh, which when doubled over doesn't clog the intake, but won't let the babies in.

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thanx guys for all yr advice and kind thoughts..

at the prices baby snakenecks r i cant afford to replace him and my partner has said NO WAY.

so the little guy is going to have to live out his days on his own..

we do have a large pair of snakenecks though..

hopefully she will lay eggs as he's a randy buga.. :wink:

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