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Help!Dwarf Gourami crazy or moaning?


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The one dwarf gourami past away Monday afternoon. It was a sudden death. I didnot notice any weird behaviour. Since then the other dwarf gourami is swimming up and down and acting crazy. I tested the water and everything is fine. What is wrong. Is the poor fishy moaning. What can I do? Please if any one could give some advice.


Annelie :(

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Swimming up and down against the glass is typically stress behaviour and the best thing you can do is to add some Stress Coat (or similar product) and leave the tank alone for a day or so. Good luck, the gourami will hopefully come right in a few days. Any idea why the other gourami passed?

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Instead of adding unnatural chemicals to the water i would do atleast two of three things.

First do a small water change

Secondly while your at it, might as well do a gravel vac, amonia spikes etc could be upsetting your fish

Thirdly (optional) put some peat in the water, it will stabalise the PH, and acts as a natural way of calming many fish.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Just notice a couple of comments about additive like Strees coat and Cycle. I think Stress coat is a good product and containes mostly natural products like Tea tree oil and Garlic. What are other peoples throughs and experiences.

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