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Hi All,

Bit of a novice so go easy...

I have recently set up a 180L tropical freshwater tank (Dwarf Gouramis, Pearl Gouramis, Yellow Labs (someone told me to OK!) , Neons, Bristlenoses and Platys. Also a 130L experimental cylindrical tank (Angels, Platys, Tetras, Plec) and am well and truly HOOKED! (Now I understand how all you fish nerds get your thrills!)

One of my Pearl Gouramis got whitespot so I read a few forums and put whitespot cure in recommended dosage and raised the temp to 30 degrees.

This was about 4 days ago and now all of the cysts have fallen off bar one. How long are the fishys prepared to accept the temp this high?

Also I am setting up another tank, and want to syphon off filter media from the already established tanks, would it be a completely absurd idea to use media from the 180L given there has been a case of whitespot?



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Hi rockpool. The raising of the temp only speeds up the whitespot life cycle to help get rid of it faster, it is not a cure. You also need to do daily water changes and vacuum the substrate thoroughly to pick up the cysts. The fish will only like that temp for a few days.

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Hi Rockpool... Welcome to the NZ Fishroom.

(We like to say we are "addicted" to the hobby btw he he)

It should also be remembered that increasing the temp will decrease the amount of disolved oxygen in the eater... so you may have to increase your air supply if your fish stocks are high.

Using your existing filter to "seed" another tank is fine, but if the filter has been in an infected tank, then you would be wise to leave the new tank "fishless" for a week, as most things like White Spot can't survive without a host for longer than a few days.

Hope you enjoy your visits and make lots of friends here :)

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Hi Guys,

Caryl my 180L and the cylinder have been set up for about 3 months and showing no Ammonia or Nitrite, and about 20ppm Nitrate so I think they are both fairly well established.

Thanks for the tip Pegasus, I'll just seed off the cylinder for now as I don't think I can wait to put the first few fishys in there!

Many thanks to both of you for your advice.



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Hi Rockpool!

NOVICE...holy cow...you have 2 big tanks and lots of fishies all ready!

Unfortunately, I only have 2 small tanks...stares off and dreams of having more... :lol:

Anyway, you'll love this site...it is fantastic!

Take care.

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Heya Mystic!

Fancy meeting you here!

How are the little tiger barbs doing?? I really miss them :(

At least they went to a good home...

When do you have your meetings and are they at your pad?


Rockpool (A.K.A. Badfish)

P.S. Hey Caper, Nice to eMeet you. Don't want to make you jealous or anything but I'm just setting up tank 3 now :P

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There are 2 clubs in Wgtn. Kapi-Mana and Wgtn Aquarium & Watergarden Soc. Kapi-Mana is affiliated to the FNZAS (this is their site) and meet on the last Wed of the month, 7.45pm at 20 Mexted Tce. All welcome. Several of their members are in here as well so any more questions just ask billaney, Janey, mystic, Chris, newtman, Anthony, modern angl, livebearerbreeder, Ira, Interfecus, ballistic, Jude or Kevin, to name a few :wink:

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