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NZ Aquarist Magazines


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The only NZ produced magazine is the NZ Aquarium World, produced by the FNZAS. I used to be editor but gave it up last year. This is a 40 page A5 size magazine but not colour as we can't afford to print anything fancy.

We do not have the population to support aquatic magazines apparently. Even Australia and England has cut back on publications as they have been uneconomic.

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Thanks :smile:

Actually, I think things are changing over here - there have been two new mags in the last two years published - and still going. The best and original is Practical Fishkeeping - it's BRILLIANT. Might be able to send you a couple of copies, if you're interested sometime :smile:

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Apart from the NZ Aquarium World Caryl mentioned we only seem to get Tropical Fish Hobbyist. After a year spent in England I developed a preference for the PFK you mentioned, OK not as glossy as TFH but (in my opinion) more meat and less gravy, as they say :smile:, compared to TFH.

I have recently enquired about getting PFK, one issue is on order for me at a local book shop and then I'll see what the exchange rate is like for getting a subscription.

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I only mentioned the Aquarium World because the heading was NZ magazines. We have also got, over the years, Practical Fishkeeping, Aquarist & Pondkeeper, and Fishkeeping Answers (no longer produced but it was great for use as reference for writing articles).

I never liked TFH as I felt it was all advertising and little useful information.

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Speeaking of NZ Aquarium world, I found this in the site archives

(remember this Caryl)


I should make that searchable... after I finish the plant databse

btw, the plant database is online


it's just not integrated with site and not ready for user comments.

Some images are also available

http://www.1research2webdesign.co.nz/fi ... antimages/

All I need now is a pretty user interface.

[ This Message was edited by: Cees on 2002-03-08 01:58 ]

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The database is available on CD Rom Bruce. I put it on one to send to Cees to use on this site. It was done in Word. I never thought of selling it through the FNZAS as all clubs have a copy of the plant survey book.

There was no electronic version of the plant survey book as it was cut and pasted (using scissors and tape) then photocopied. I took it all and retyped it up in Word, as a table. I then scanned all the graphics and put the lot on CD.

I have a version started using Microsoft Publisher but that would only be useful to those with that programme. When I realised its limited use, I stopped doing it.

I have permission, from author Ian Mills, to do what I like with the plant survey book information so I guess I could make more copies on CD if people wanted it.

What would be a fair price to charge do you think? Many hours work went into doing it so that should be taken into account. Plus it is another source of revenue (albeit a small one) for the federation.

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Hi Caryl

I would think somewhere in the vacinity of $20-$25 plus delivery cost would be reasonable, given the cost of media these days, would all depend on volumes though I suppose and how the copies would be manufactured, gets expensive when you get them profeesionally done etc

Would be good to get some more feedback from others as well



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Get them professionally done? I AM a professional Bruce :smile:

My husband and I run a computer company so making copies of the data is not a problem. I have permission so copyright is not a concern either.

I title myself the credit manager. This is because Grant does the work and I manage to take the credit! :smile:

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