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Cutting Glass


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I got myself a glass cutting tool today, and after a few practice sessions, some swearing and cursing, and my girlfriend stressing that I would end up spending the evening in hospital, I got the hang of it okay :)

So I now have a nice tight fitting lid for my 20L killie tank.

However.. what's the trick to get the edges of the glass nice and smooth? Currently if the glass slipped whilst picking it up would probably cost me the best part of a finger :o

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Hi all, Never cut glass myself, but am contemplating building a Sump one day....oh and of course I want to build my own fishroom from scratch (tanks included) once I win Lotto....And I have one question thats confused me lately.

Is the glass dust, or little slivers from sanding etc, dangerous? You know - is there a massive danger of breathing it in or getting galss dust in your eyes etc? Just how dangerous is it to sand glass?

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