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Moving a tropical tank...


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Hi All,

Todd and I are moving into our new place in Matheson Bay in 3 weeks time and so I'm after a bit of advice for moving a tropical tank...

The move is going to coincide with a water change, but I'm not sure wether I need to trasport 60-70% of the water to the new place to put back into the aquarium or wether I can do a 100% water change when I get there?

The other issue is that I now have about 30 small fishies in the tank, is this going to be the same as introducing 30 fish at once? :(

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!



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Best way if you will only be a few hours doing the shift is to buy a Plasic Dustbin, then put a rubbish bag indide and half fill with water from your tank.

Put the fish in and wrap the bin in a blanket.

Remove all the rocks and such from your tank.. (the gravel should be ok).. then do the move as quick as poss.

Filters should be ok for a few hours if kept wet.

Best of luck on the move.

Take care now :)


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HI Flash_liam,

you don't mention what type of filter you have either, undergravel or canister ?

if gravel you should be fine, try not to disterb it to much.

if canister I would drain most of the water from it this will stop the bacteria from suffercaiting(*spelling)

you can get away with a 50% water change, as long as the water is up to temp it's just not recommended.

you can help your self by getting water containers 20lt + and fill them NOW, that way when you come to use them in 3 weeks the water will have aged enough for there not to be a issuse with cemicals in your water suppy and the dissolved gasses will have gone(little bubbles that form on the glass when just set up).

with your fish Bill's idea is fine how ever if your fish get chilled you may get white spot , keep an eye on them after the movefor a week or 2.

best of luck on the move

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The tank is 160 litres, (3ft). It's got a Tetra 40 whisper filter (hangs off the end) and a few air stones. I don't have any under-gravel filtering but I'm wondering if I should (and during the move may be an opportune time to put it in?).

The house we're moving to is all tank water so no issues with chlorine etc. in the water. I'm gussing I'd just have to make sure the temperature was ok.

I've got a few large plastic containers for transporting water to the new house, so I think I'd be able to keep 50-60% of the original water.

I was thinking of putting the fish into a chillibin full of the original water during the process (to keep the water warm). I could even keep the heater in the bin until they were ready to be transported (I thought I'd take them out of the tank, move the tank and water to the new place and set it all up, and then transport them to the new place and put them back into the tank).

Would it be wise to do this at night? Or keep them in relative darkness during the move?

Thanks for all your help so far :D


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Just be aware that the inside of most chilly bins is white so the fish will lose vitually all their colour - DON'T PANIC! This is normal and colour will come back once they are in their tank again :wink:

I gather it is not too far from A to B so you shouldn't have any problems. Keep at least half the water, put water and fish in transportable container. If the tank is not too heavy I would leave the gravel in it and carry it in situ. Remember the temp in the car is likely to be warm anyway - besides, if you have the car heater giong they are not going to chill.

As long as the filter doesn't dry out it should be fine too for a short time.

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Everthing you have said is fine other then putting your fish directly in a polybox - they can leck over time .

it would be safer to put them in a large bucket with air stone and heater before and after transport , until the tank is ready for them.

you seem to have everything in hand :D

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