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Dying brain?


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My brain, got it about 2 weeks ago. It hasn't opened up since I got it and I just noticed that the whole right half looks like it's bleaching and disintegrating.:( Any ideas what I can do to help it or is it a lost cause?


It's, obviously, sitting on the sand on the bottom of the tank, it's in a pretty still area since that's what they're supposed to like, right? Is it laying wrong? Or anything else? Lighting is 2X250 DE 14K bulbs.

Test results are

Nitrates: 10

Calcium: 410


PH: 8.1

Magnesium: 1300

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Just by looking at it I'm afraid it looks to me like it's probably history, however there's a few things you could try, but don't get your hopes up.

Some of them don't like too much light, and if it came from an lfs it was likely held in less than strong light, 2x250w halide may be too much for it, so move it into a shady area with very light current. A couple of hours after lights out try feeding it with mysis shrimp. So often in lfs you see these things dying, I think it's because they never feed them. So your one is likely starving.

That's about all you can do, but once they have skeleton showing like that the end is not usually too far away. No reason not to give it your best shot though, Good Luck, and keep us informed.

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Its almost definatly a poor reaction to light/current.

It can easily be saved but you will need to find it the perfect conditions straight away. I've saved a few for people in similar condition brain/trach/bubble etc.

Not sure if that helps, but if you want your welcome to try it in my tank for a bit. This worked recently for a bubble coral that Suphew had, i've also recovered (mostly) a trach for him too.

Good luck, nice corals. I think its a lobo.


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That's interesting Pies, please share further exactly what you did for the ones you recovered, and also what you believe caused the problem in the first place.

Could be some valuable info for the rest of us here.


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Wasp - I don't have any tricks. I just pop em on the sand and cross my fingers.

Layton - I've seen these corals recess just like that with too much light, the just shrink and retracts away from it.


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It looks like the tissue is definitely dying. I'll try moving it to a different spot with a bit more current and a bit more shade, hopefully the rest of it will survive.

IRA, go easy on the current, less rather than more at this stage IMO, although others may know more than me.

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Layton - I've seen these corals recess just like that with too much light, the just shrink and retracts away from it.


Come to think of it, I have too. I was sort of thinking more along the lines of bleaching with the light comment, it doesn't look bleached.


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I noticed my xenia is looking a bit shriveled too. The only thing I've done out of the usual recently is feed them bbs, that wouldn't do anything. And I dosed the tank with some magnesium chloride. About 8 teaspoons. Brought the magnesium up from if I remember right 1260-1280(holy crap, do I need 50 teaspoons to get it up to 1350?) I wouldn't think that slight of an increase in magnesium would upset the brain or the xenia? And the chloride from what I'm reading would have gone up about 40ppm, but the normal amount in seawater is about 19,000 ppm so that's practically no increase too.

It's probably just a coincidence that the xenia is grumpy now.

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Probably why u have unwanted algea :-?

I don't think a little squirt every month or is going to make a huge difference. I'd say it's mostly due to my topoff water and pathetic output from my skimmer. I'd get an RO and...I dunno, plumb the wastewater back into my tank, but 30 meters of hose wouldn't be cheap and it'd be a pain in the butt. But, I'm saving money for when I go to chch in case I see anything good.

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