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annoying fish


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im having trouble with my royal dottyback. ive only had him a couple of weeks, but hes terrorising my fire fish. i have another tank for him to go in (where he'll be by himself) but i cant catch him! is there any tricks to catching fish? he likes to hide in the rock.

thanks, bonnie

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using a fishtrap.... basically a perspex box with a drop sliding door... put food in the back and wiat till they go in, then let the trap drop.....

works a dream!

Jetski sold me mine, i though i would have to rip tank apart to catch my yellow tang, took all of 20 mins just waiting for it to go for the nori bait!

easy peasy

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I used a plastic coke bottle to catch my blue damsel. Just cut the top off large enough for the fish, then cut again lower where it starts to angle. Remove this bit and reverse it into the bottle, tape it up and put some food in, got him in about 20 sec.I can send a pic to you if you like :)

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