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Angel Agression


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Hi Fishboi, welcome to the NZ Fishroom :)

If you have just bought all three together, then chances are they are sorting out "who's the boss"

This is normal with most fish, but moreso in the Cichlids until they get the pecking order sorted out.

More hiding places in the way of plants might help, or if your tank is big enough, then another Angel might detract the black Angels interest... or any other suitable fish for that matter.

They also do a great deal of chasing around when they are selecting a mate, so if your fish are breeding size, then this might be it.

Provided the fish is not being damaged by the attacks, I would just try the more plant method for the time being and watch them carefully.

What size is the tank, and what have you in it at the moment..?


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Hi Pegasus,

I have an AR126 and all the angels are quite small about 3-4 cm nose to tail i have just bought two more so in my tank i have as follows

1 koi angel

1 black angel

1 platinum angel

1 Silver Angel

1 gold angel

3 black phantom tetras

5 neons

1 pleco

1 bristlenose

2 clown loaches

i have talked to a few people and they say i am not overstocking and i wil have to give back the engels when they are bigger, though i should have my AR 620T by then

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Dude, you have 17 fish in 22-25 litres of water. That sounds like overstocking to me. You could be in for a whole lotta fishie death. Personally I wouldn't keep 17 neons in that small a tank. We have 18 fish(9 neons, 4 gourami, 4 clown loaches and a pleco), with nothing over 11cm in length, in 285 litres of water and our ammonia got up to 0.5ppm at one stage, even with three water changes per week. Granted we've only just got it cycling, but we don't have a lot of fish for all that water. Anyway, sounds like your fish may be a bit cramped in there - could make them quite frustrated. Hope you get your 620 soon.



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I agree, it is overstocked, who told you its not overstocked, wouldn't be the shop that sold you the fish would it?

The pleco alone may grow to 50-60cm and will be to big for the 620.

I have less fish in my AR850 and wouldn't add any more.

If you are going to buy a 620t check out http://www.petplanet.co.nz as they have very reasonably priced AR850's that would be more suitable (not for a full grown pleco though)

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All very confusing these ARxxx and Jeboxxx numbers for tanks.

Would be nice if someone "in the know" could compile a list giving the Number.. Length.. Height.. and Width, plus arrox litres and gallons.

A normal tank (all glass) size list would also be a good thing to have, then these could be pinned at the head of this section.

Too much on at the moment, otherwise I would compile a list.


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I whole heartedly agree with you Bill

There has been a very rapid decline into the Americanisation of our tank sizing.

That is lts., instead of the L x B x H.

Why oh why do we have to follow with this absolutely ridiculous method.

Bring back the LxBxH method.

Alan 104

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All very confusing these ARxxx and Jeboxxx numbers for tanks.

I have no idea what all this means :-?

Heck...I'm still used to inches...gallons...don't have a clue with the metric :oops:

My 10 gallon (38L read on box :lol: ) is bigger than his tank right? I could not imagine 17 fish in my 10 gallon :o

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Why is a U.S. gallon(3.8l) different to an imperial gallon(4.5l)? There's always a metric way, an imperial way and a U.S. way. Why is that? Everybody!!! Metric is EASIEST!!

1 ml water = 1 cubic cm = 1 gram

1000 ml water = 1 litre = 1000g = 1 kg

1000000 ml = 1000 litres = 1000kg = 1 tonne

0 deg C = freezing point of water

100 deg C = boiling point of water

Simple! Everything is based on water! Tell the U.S. and the U.K. to get with the program. Well, that's my spiel for the day, How's everyone else?


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Canada...before metric...was imperial gallon.

I'm just from the old school and cannot get used to the metric :roll:

Temp is about the only thing I don't mind doing in metric!

Other than that..I'm fine... :lol: :lol:

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From the aquaone website (www.aquaone.com.au).

All lengths in mm. I am using their figures for the capacity - these are less than the rectangular volume. In the case of the AR850 the quoted capacity is very close to the amount of water I put in so they are probably accurate. I assume the discrepancy is due to the outer dimensions being quoted (plus slack for curved fronts and the like).

CR320 = 300x330x380 = 28L

AR126 = 380x250x360 = 22L

AR380 = 380x250x460 = 34L

AR510 = 510x350x540 = 75L

AR620 = 620x390x520 = 90L

AR620T = 620x390x520 = 90L <- I think this is a mistake, it is

meant to be a tall version of

the AR620.

AR850 = 820x440x580 = 155L

AR980 = 990x470x600 = 215L

I haven't seen these for sale down here, but for completeness:

R2-120 = 1230x460x680 = 285L

R2-150 = 1530x460x680 = 370L

R2-180 = 1860x500x760 = 540L

You will have to work out what these are in imperial units yourself (which gives you the freedom to choose which version of the gallon you use).

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I have the Aqua One catalogue here and the AR620T tank measures 62 x 38 x72cm 130 litres. Also saw the rep recently and they have a new range that has come out which has glass tank with lighthood, stand, cannister filter and glass heater included. They range from 175 litre to 300 litre and also a 330 litre corner model. Come in either black or woodgrain finish.

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