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snowspot b/n spawning


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well this is the 3 time my s/p - b/n have breed ,

this time I was expecting them to breed as there breeding once a month and i've been checking them every day after work for a week and a 1/2 now.


when I got home today the female was in the male's hole laying eggs .

I checked them an hour later and a small bunch of pail yellow eggs were siting at the bottom of the tunnel with the male faning them and the female was siting just out side the hole skiny as, the second female was still full of eggs.

2 hours later I was feeding some of my other fry so I checked them again and found a female in the hole laying eggs , ?, I cheched the tank for the other female and realised this was the second female, both females had spawned ?? :o

has any one noticed this before with other bristle nose species, I know I have not .Infact last time they breed I am positive only 1 of the females breed.

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i'm pretty sure one of my females bred twice within a week. there was one big clutch of eggs and another clutch half the size. they laid them in a section of bamboo, so when they were about to come out i filled the tube with water then tipped that water into a breeding trap and i repeated that several times resulting with around 150 bn fry in the trap. next i noticed that some of the fry were without egg sacks and alot more developed than the other 40 or so that were quite young, so this proved my theory of there being two clutches of eggs, good for me lol :lol:

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Hey Stu,

Congratz on the new spawn! How are the other babies going? How many do u have left? How big are they?

It is quite common with many species of Pleco's to have more than one female spawn with the same male at the same time. When I was breeding my BN's, all 3 females would be on the same egg cycle, so they all spawned at the same time, and i would and up with 3 distinct clutchs of eggs in the males cave. Here is a report from a guy from Aussie that had 9 females spawn with one male at the same time :oHERE.

Cheers, CatBrat.

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I'm not sure how many I have maybe 20+, unfortunatly I did lose quit a few. there size verys from the slow growers at 1.5cm to 3cm, how ever most are in the middle 2 - 2.5 cm

Just read that report CAT, the lucky bugger 8 females at once :o :lol:

well that answers my question, thanks

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