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plec/brisslenose breeders


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hey are nice. at a glance they look like a normal brissle but when you look close they have a light brown sptty pattern over them.

I have two mtto grosso brissles which are similar but have a more dominent spot.

just a query GBA = golden briislenose?

anyone able to see if rob can comment on this topic??

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We can get GBAs in for you, young or adult. they are very cool, but dont come cheap through Animates. i have three here, am hoping i will have a pair, currently looks like i have one male and two females, which is great!!!

how are the knife fish??


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I've had some success with plecs - have in the past successfully bred Spotted clown plecos (Peckoltia brevis), Butterfly plecs (L52) - hoping to get them going again, banded whips (Rineloricaria cf eingenmanni), common ancistrus (which the federation lists as Ancistrus lineolatus - haven't looked into it to see if this is correct), Colombian plecos (Loricaria sp "Colombia") - which are kind of cool in that they're lip-brooders.

In the close but no cigar catergory (ie spawned, hatched, died) are Crocodile cats (Rineloricaria lancelota ?), Twig cats (Farlowella sp.), Royal whiptails (Sturisoma panamensis) and Rubber lipped plecos (Chaetostoma cf thomsoni).

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Stu - I don't have any gold nugget plecos.

Jammos - I'm not really attempting much with Plecos at the moment, there's some corys I'd like to get going and also some small rasboras - but finding time is difficult.

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  • 3 months later...

I have a pair of the common brown bristle nose. They have just spawned and much to my amazement some of the young are brown and others are Golden Black eyed, about 20 of them.

I guess this is all good considering what you are saying about the golden ones price wise.

If I was selling them to a shop what price should I expect to get and the same if I sold them through Trademe. :)

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How old are the fry?

As far as i know it's impossible for normal b/nose to have GBA.

If per chance they are they have come down a lot now, a very well known LFS in Mt Eden has small ones for $19.95 which is the cheapest i have seen them in a lfs.

Pricing is up to you really.

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The fry are only two weeks old.

I have enquired at the shop I got the parents from and they tell me when they bred the parents they had a yellow one in the tank and what I have is more than like why I have some brown and some yellow.

It will be interesting to see what they turn out like as they get older.

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