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Hi from Auckland


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Hi All,

Just new to this site. I have a 120L tropical tank with 3 clown loaches, 3 kuhli Loaches, 1 dwarf cobalt blue gourami, 14 cardinal tetras, 8 black neon tetras, 6 cochu blue tetras, 1 Plec, 1 red tail black shark and have recently added a Siamese fighter who is getting a little scrappy with my Gourami but nothing too serious. I have also just set up a co2 cannister. I was wondering if anyone has any Riccia they don't want or that I could buy? Or maybe some xmas moss? Any help or feedback on growing live plants would also be appreciated. Thanks

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Hi and welcome. Check out the Plants section as dubbieboy was offering riccia to all and sundry.

Aren't you a bit overstocked for a 120L? Although the plec, clowns and the shark will outgrow it anyway as time goes on so I guess they are all small fish at the moment.

Keep an eye on the fighter and gourami as they might be a problem that needs one of them being moved.

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Hi Martind,

am also new here on this forum, but your question on growing plants urged me to reply. I recently bought a 3ft light for my 3ft aquarium surprise surprise, which is a double. The one bulb is a blue spectrum whilst the other is white. Aparently having two is good for great plant growth. I had some stalks which was given to me from a friend as small shoots not even 10 cm high. Within about a week or two under the light for about 10 hours + they have grown sideways and upwards and seem to grow really quickly. This compared to my other tank with axolotls in it, with no light the plants have hardly grown at all. I"m amazed at the speed the plants are growing, I think they are sword plants or similar to that but they're doing really well as well as my java moss and baby tears. Most of the plants I have gotten are doing extremely well under the light. Hope that helps!

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Haha not sure about being over stocked. They are all small at the moment and seem to have enough room, and I have been doing ammonia checks and its been nil. Its funny you say that though cause i had the tank for maybe 3 weeks when I decided I want a bigger one. At the moment though im saving up for a holiday to Queenstown in September but a much larger tank is on the cards as soon as I get back.

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Welcome Martind!

Plants...live plants...oh...I am too nervous...live plants and me...do not get along. As I have said, if the SPCA new how many plants I have killed, they would not let me have any kind of pet :o

This site is great, super, fantastic, etc. The people here... :bow::bow::bow:

Take care!

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Hi And Welcome martind,

good to have you here and yu will find lots of useful info and useful people here.

if you update your profile as to where you are from, then you may also get offers to visit peoples tanks, and also can find out about your local aquarium club.


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i'm in auckland too, i'm 9,I was born in south africa and I came here when I was 4 And If you want I can tell you where I live. By the way If you wan't an advatar go to Profile, scroll down and find gallery click on the one you wan't and press submit. Go to search and click uploads. :wink:



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