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best bottom feeder?


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Hi guys, have recently taken the gravel out of one of our tanks and replaced it with sand.

Now im just wondering what the best type of bottom feeder (loach/catfish etc) would be to go with the sand. I want something thats gonna clean up down there, but wont dig up the sand too much and make the water cloudy.

At the moment theres just danios and a red tail shark in the tank.

Any ideas?



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probably corydoras. They shouldn't be too much hastle as they only skim the top for food and don't dig in as much as loaches would. a Plecostomus might do the trick but im not too shaw on if they are good on a sandy bottom, but they don't dig in. I would deffinately stay away from the loaches though :)

Hoped that helped :D

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Hmm, could get a cory yeah, if i can find one thats a little unusual :) We have a bronze cory in another tank already. Lots of personality, but ugly as.

I love the look of those wee panda catfish, but you need a group of them so i read..Shame.

B/N is also a possibility yeah, not a huge tank, so something smallish would be good, thanks paul.



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A B/Nose will be perfect for a clean up but won't eat snails, loaches are the best for that, or a puffer but from what i hear if you get a puffer you have to keep giving them snails as their teeth grow too long if they aren't eating something hard. Or buy on of the snail traps off trade me and a B/Nose, problem solved :D

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