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on - line retailing is here


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On a more serious note I would like to discuss this on a thread likely to survive.

I, pies and others have called for a long time for direct sales, It seems that Mr Purple Tang has taken heed of our bleatings and is selling direct on the net via trademe.

What will this do to the industry?

My thoughts,

This will put more money into the pockets of the importers... hopefully this will mean they import more diversity etc....... but will increase there handling costs, expect to see a handling charge if you only buy 1 thing....

Take money away from the retail chain. its a zero sum game.

Make corals cheaper for buyers......

Make it easier for out of AKLers to buy nice pieces....

other peopls thoughts?

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i think the diversity is the key.

let the newbies have their brown mushrooms and finger leathers, i want different stuff


the truth of the matter is that my tank is pretty darn full and i now want quality/different/special peices to replace my begining corals and i dont mind where i buy them from, if its something i really want/like then im willing to pay for it and the fact is its not often that that really nice peices are found more than once in a blue moon

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acan's, various mille's, chalace corals i dont think ive ever seen anything for sale at the stores or in peoples tanks that even closely resemble the corals on display at reef central and nano-reef

Firstly - nor will you ever do - not all, but most of the things are not on the allowed import list anyway. Remember - America has a HUGE import industry going on, and a market to support it. They run their business along the lines of "because we can" rather than "because we SHOULD". I wonder how many more corals and fishes will die because people see them ON-LINE and think, Hmm, that Moorish Idol looks nice, lets get three of them for our 3' tank. At least with the LFS there is an outside chance of some advice (and hopefully even some scruples as to what is sold to whom).

Secondly - "Let the newbies have their brown mushrooms and leathers" - that sounds somewhat arrogant and Im sure you didnt mean it that way Brianemone.

Thirdly - What guarantees are there for online trading of livestock?

Fourthly - Do we really want the demise of the LFS? Would they not be better being guided to get things right rather than "run out of town"? What about all those convenient bits we still need them for? SALT? Who wants to pay freight on that? And thats just for starters.

I dont think on-line trading is the perfect solution at the end of the day.

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only diversity because importers wont import higher priced corals (take out ones that are just impossible or disallowed to be imported) because it would end up at the retail shops at a ridiculous price. importers selling direct = cheaper prices = diversity.

IMO lfs will never die. online shopping will be for those accustomed to buying already. lfs will typically stock beginners gear or "you need this to start". nzl are not big enough for online frag trading like there is in the states - it can be done on this site.

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i wouldnt call it arrogant, more of an observation as most begginers including myself untill recently (i am still more or less a begginer) have fairly basic corals and also basic tastes as most of what they have seen is what is in the LFS and that is usually brown mushrooms and finger leathers they also cost less making them more appealing to the begginer.

there you go, not arrogant

i agree that the LFS will always have its place. But i would like to see/have some different corals and as i said i am prepared to pay for said corals.

it doesnt come down to whats allowed as much as it does the fact that as chimera said that with live stock the higher the price the higher the risk.

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I like mushrooms and finger corals.....

Trade Me effects EVERY business selling something (legal anyway). If it killed the LFS stores stocking fish then it would kill the whole industry. It won't. Top of the line fish maybe. I have sold four lots of dog treats on trade me this week. Long term the idea is to direct those people to my own website. I just use trade me as a great tool to do that.

Look how much top of the line gear you guys buy direct from overseas. That hurts the industry just as much.

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As long as it works out cheaper I couldn't care less if the gear I am buying is comming from the States, Eurpoe, Trademe or the guy accross the road.

As for diversity, I think your all wrong. The biggest thing that will drive increased diversity is increased volumes. The more the importers are bringing in, the more likley we are to end up with rare/er livestock.


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As for diversity, I think your all wrong. The biggest thing that will drive increased diversity is increased volumes. The more the importers are bringing in, the more likley we are to end up with rare/er livestock.

I agree. Importers have little to no control on the colours of the corals they import. It's luck of the draw. Higher volumes gives a higher chance of getting some more unusual colour morphs. Problem is the market isn't particularly big.


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It will open up sales to people that don't live in the cities, create more realistic prices as they realise they have more compatition nationwide and should create a better range of stock.

The fact that they are online isn't going to stop the locals going to there local shops to have a look and purchace at the store, if anything it advertises what they currently have in stock for us to go and buy.

The problem is that they need to set up decent websites that are regurly updated. This seems to be a big problem with allot of companies in this country not just the LFS's.

They all need to catch up with the rest of the world before they get left behind forever.


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The problem is that they need to set up decent websites that are regurly updated. This seems to be a big problem with allot of companies in this country not just the LFS's.

I think thats actually a very fair observation. Updated stock lists/info, well defined terms of trading, costs, shiping expectations etc are the keys to successfull e-comerce business model.

The LFS will soldier on, but online pressures are only going to increase over time.


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Biggest problem with websites/online stores is that they suck up money like a sponge. My dad built and maintains our site so I get it at cost. If I had to pay real $$$ I wouldn't have bothered. Generally you have to have the lowest price. Online shoppers seem to be very price sensitive.

Worst case for the wholesaler is retail stores not stocking their product because of online retailing. That is not likely to happen. Personally, I won't use suppliers that supply The Warehouse, but that is just me.

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Pet Planet you have a very good retail feel in the pet industry I think.

I believe that right now, while we all enjoy rsiing house prices etc etc, we are less price sensitive and are happy to browse the retail stores looking for new fish/corals, trying to get the occasional deal, but

as the economy turns down, we will become a lot more price sensitive.....

Pets are a discreetionary spend.

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So if LFS stop stocking the importer is going to need more space,more workers and will most likley carry higher stocks just to supply smaller orders. This migth have the opporsite effect that you expect. In my job we supply Placemakers, if we supplied the public our returns would be higher but so would our cost and instead of focusing on the main business would have to cover every thing. In the long run I don't think it would make since. As for having a larger range wouldn't you aim to stock the 50% of lines that give u 90% of sales rather than doulbe your stock to increase sales by 10%. Lots more points behind this than just our veiw as "THE PURCHASER'. Sound good to us but what about the supply chain.

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a smart online retailer will stick to the knitting.

Clownfish, Chromis, blue and yellow tangs etc......

The easy to move stuff...... expenses can be offset if there is a high packing fee... but it is a different model then the corrent importers, as you will prob make more per fish/coral then the wholesale wholsalers, you would not have to sell as many, could be small, dynamic, niche....

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