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My girlfriend came home with this last night for the treatment of protozoan's/internal parasites/worms. What are peoples experience with this. I used Metronidazola in the past for this with good results but its not cheep.

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Sorry don't know about this treatment, but I use dog or cat worming tablets. Just ground up and added to their food, works for me.

How often are you treating them? You tank is a closed system so you should only need to treat new fish or if you see a problem. I don't like adding any treatments unless I need to incase it affects the filters.

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Haven't used it yet. Have a Discus that is not getting any bigger may be smaller and has stringy poo's. So when new tanks are set up in the weekend migth try this. Have used Metronidazola on Angels that weren't putting any size on. This worked well apart from the two smallest (something needed to happen one way or the other) didn't last out of 8. The rest are now breeding 3-4 weeks after treatment. If yourl'd seen them they weren't well.

Formalin is 5% Formaldehyde.

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A lot of the treatments have formalin in them. But I still think the ground up pill system is better because the treatment is all in the food so very little ends up in the tank and filter etc.

I would also treat all your fish, even if they are in seperate tanks there is a good chance that you have transfered the worms etc on nets, your hands etc. Like most fish problems good healthy fish often don't show any signs but chances are all well have it and will just re-infect any weak, stressed fish.

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Have read that all fish have parasites, its only when they are stressed that it becomes a problem. So with them being Discus I think I'll treat just the one. Agree with your comments re filter, other tanks-nets etc. Only treat when fish

show signs of problems or as you pointed out you kill all the good bugs as well.

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We use a formalin and malachite green mixture from time to time. Get yourself some surgical gloves before handling as formalin is cancer causing. It is also a very good cure and have found that bristlenoses can handle the treatment whereas plecostamus usually do not and die. Have only had the need to use it on goldfish and I believe it is used on a monthly basis on most goldfish farms. Hope that is some help.

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careful when handling formalin at this time of year as well, high humidity and a splash of formalin in a small area is a nasty experience. The boiling point is very low and the vapour can be nasty on your lungs and eyes, it reacts like ammonia.

Its also used frequently for drying out seedy toe in conjunction with stockholm tar on horses and cows.

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