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my new desktop nano for work


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its interesting having the clown around me all day, i have noticed a few things.

first of all it wants to be fed all the time, silly fish

second he actually nips small pods off the glass this morning he was even hunting some larger pods, i always thought they didnt eat pods.

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Actually, I suspect that in the wild, small mobile inverts must be a major part of their diet, as they do not range far, they just stay put and wait for whatever comes along. Even algae farming would not yeild them much in the small area they inhabit.

I once had a tank on my work desk so it was under constant observation, a great pleasure. One thing that surprised me was just the many behaviours of common old glass shrimp, I actually came to believe they have a bit more intelligence than we would think. ( Or maybe I've been breating a bit too much Co2 lately :-? )

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I know this may sound stupid but how much does it cost to set up a tank like that? It doesn't seem very big (some tanks I have seen I could lie in as a coffin!! :o . I am only doing freshwater tropics and wouldn't mind looking into a marine one but only on a small scale like this one.

Also how hard is it to maintain a tank this small?


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lets start from the ground up

fluval 304: 200$

plumbing parts: 100$

via aqua panorama tank: 60$

Boyu light: 40$

50/50 tube: 30$


rock: 20$

saltmix 20$

water: priceless

clown fish:70$

fungia: 70$

frags from maintank free

blasto's goodluck finding them

acan: 30$

all up??? 650$

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plus saltwater test kits/meters, timer, heater, glass cleaner, food, Rowa-phos, carbon, ???, I would add a 2-300$ to Brianemone's total for these and other bit and bobs (of course some of your fresh water gear will do).

Smaller/nano tanks tend to be alot harder to keep esp for a first timer, if you go for a tank with just a fish or two and live rock live it is a lot simpler (you can still put in some hardy corals like mushies).

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HOLY CRAP! Thats more than my 90ltr tropical tank! If I was to do one I would probably only want a clown fish or two as our petstore doesn't have much in the way of marine but I do like the looks of these little crab like things. They are long and skinny and look like a mini cray that are red with white stripes. Don't know what they are exactly but they look neat.

My husband is a plumber so I will be able to get the plumbing gear for free or very close to it lol. I have a dremel/mulit tool thingy but I would be to scared to cut glass! ( might leave that for hubby to ) What are the holes for may I ask? and does it have to be that sort of filter?

Think I am better off sticking to tropics :(

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