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Aggressive Tetras?


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Brought some new tetras in the weekend,  they have turned into aggressive little sh1ts...

should I just wait for them to settle down? brought 20 Blue Kings, and 10 Silver tips, even had them chasing around my Corys! WTF!...

Are they just trying to dominate the new tank?? haven't seen this kind of behaviour before with tetras, they are fighting amongst themselves, as well as my existing tetras,  all the guys are fast enough to get out of each others way, so no damage... but all seem pretty hostile... hoping it's just because they are stressed...

Tank is

750l, 22 Cory, 2 Whiptail cats, 3 Chain loaches, 15 Emperor Tetras, 15 Sissor tail, 8 Rasboras, 5 Random tetras, and the new bunch are 20 Blue Kings, 10 Silver tip tetras

Hoping to add another 20-30 emperors, and some Blue rams next weekend, hopefully that will tip the balance of the tank... (give me Emperors numerical superiority), otherwise I may have to evict them to another tank!



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I had to look up the name as I know them a Cochu Blues and have not heard them called Blue Kings before.

These fish like a densely planted tank with floating plants to diffuse the light.

They are very active and are known to harass other fish especially when in smaller tanks but your tank is not small.

I wonder if they are all just getting the new pecking order sorted out. As long as none are showing sign of injury, or stress, I would wait and see if they settle.

A little re-arrangement of the decor may also help.

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did read up, that bigger fish may calming them down a little, they are getting better, (just beating up on each other), did have one damaged on arrival, they don't seem to pick on him at all, he continues, to school.... Silver Tip Tetras, seem territorial, staking claim to areas of the tank, and chasing the girls... (most of the aggression is to there own or to the Cochu Blues) little guys are as quick, if not quicker than zebra danios...

Only noticed one of the albino cory's getting chased last night, they don't seem to worrie about the sterbai corys...

Hopefully I will get another 30 Emperor tetras in the weekend.... and a few blue rams.... and the big tank should almost be set...

will just need to increase the amount of live food I harvest for them! ugh!

Thanks again for the help,


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