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 7 different discus, 15 rumynose tetras, 8 different types of cories, 2 German blue rams. 

This would be my dream aquarium stock. 

would all that fit my tank? I have never had discus and I do like them. Can they live with angels ? I guess having one centerpiece species would look better. Thanks

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270L...I would have a nice number of bottom dwellers eg sterbai or panda Corydoras, or something in the loaches department like dwarf chains, have about 6 good looking angels (silvers,  platinum and Philippean Blues),  have a good number of 2 different types of shoalers,  probably harlequin rasbora and glow light danios, then 2 or so fancy plecos in for good measure-- probs blue phantom and queen abaresque tho L140 is also nice. All with a hardscape of a nice piece of driftwood,  probably spider root, covered in needle leaf java fern. 

OR a species only brackish tank with a few figure 8 puffers,  with a 'mangrove forest' sort of feel to the scape. 

OR something that revolves around African butterfly fish,  upside down catfish and Congo tetra 

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would all that fit my tank? I have never had discus and I do like them. Can they live with angels ? I guess having one centerpiece species would look better. Thanks

From what I've read angels and discus,  particularly in tanks that aren't /massive/,  do not mix well and there can be some sort of disease spread between the two so it's often advised not to keep them together. Better to have one or the other :) also corys like to be with their own species (and each type is a different species) so having at least 6 of say 1-3 different species would be a good idea rather than 1-2 each of 8 species .. Personally I like my battalion of 20 sterbai but variety can also be nice :P 

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From what I've read angeI'm now going  to have a single specie and discus,  particularly in tanks that aren't /massive/,  do not mix well and there can be some sort of disease spread between the two so it's often advised not to keep them together. Better to have one or the other :) also corys like to be with their own species (and each type is a different species) so having at least 6 of say 1-3 different species would be a good idea rather than 1-2 each of 8 species .. Personally I like my battalion of 20 sterbai but variety can also be nice :P 

i just googled sterbai they do look good in a big group. So im set on having a single species of corys 8-12 maybe bit i can still have other fish in the tank right? Not had corys before


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Yeah definitely,  corys keep to themselves and I'm yet to see any of mine give other fish trouble. I have my group in a 200L with an angel pair/couple of oddballs/group of 20 harlequins. So long as you have decent filtration and do weekly water changes (they /love/ glass surfing right after a water change)  it would be fine :)  pic is a couple of mine during feeding time,  they're great goofs to watch :D 


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i did have a pleco years ago that killed two oscars. It got to 17.5 inches long and really hard to catch! Spiky and very strong

That definitely wasn't a bristlenose.

would all that fit my tank? I have never had discus and I do like them. Can they live with angels ? I guess having one centerpiece species would look better. Thanks

Not even remotely big enough for 7 discus.  Not to keep them properly anyway.

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Nope, none here AFAIK, crazy expensive, and 270L is probably a bit on the small size. Best bet would be the P. scalare "Peru Altum", a very nice altum-ish form of the regular angelish.
Check out my post here; http://aquariumworld.nz/forums/topic/42426-2000l-tank-nearly-one-year-on/?page=5#comment-566828

Locally bred by Hovmoller on this forum. I think he has a few more to sell too.

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