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My Fish Tank


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That is about 25 litres I think, so you will have to be really careful not to overstock. What type of filter do you have, and have you cycled the tank yet? Even if you have cycled it, try adding fish one or two at a time if you decide to have more than one fish.

Your best bet would be either  - a single display fish (a male, for colour) like a Betta / Siamese fighter, or maybe a Dwarf Gourami, Killifish,  or similar.

Or if you want more than one fish, a small group (no more than 6) of male Endlers or Guppies or a small species of Tetra or Barb or Rasbora, should look very nice.

Unless you want to buy a second tank to house any babies, I'd suggest just sticking to male fish only - they are more colorful generally, and you won't have the extra stress on the fish from any breeding attempts.

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The Bristlenose will ultimately get too big for your tank (They grow up to 12 - 15 cm, so that's half the width of your tank, which is way too big!) . Personally I'd say 40l for one bristlenose, and no less than 60l (preferably more) for a breeding pair.

Corys of all types are happier / less stressed in a group of minimum 5, ideally more, so they are not the best choice either.

I'd suggest just going with your neons and guppies and set the tank up with some real nice plants, so it looks really green and natural.


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