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Freshwater Crayfish (Koura) in Auckland


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Hi everyone,

I am wanting to get a couple of freshwater crayfish (koura) to put in a Native/Freshwater tank and would like to know if any one knows where I can go in the Auckland region to find some. Any help or ideas on where to find some and also, any general info on keeping Koura would be much appreciated.


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Suggest making that one Koura as 2 or more can fight unless its a large tank.  Have a few places it can hide in available, caves, driftwood it can get under, or secure rock piles with gaps it can get into. It will choose its hiding place and sometimes shift home. If you have a large rock sitting on top of the sand or gravel then bury it until its base is on the bottom of the tank or put rocks under it as the Koura will most likely decide to excavate under it and there is a danger it could get crushed.

If you have any plants in the tank - you won't once the Koura goes in, they make great gardeners and really really enjoy pruning!   The tank must be escape proof else you will find it wandering around on the floor sometime, filter tubes etc will all be used for climbing.  Feed it a mixture of protein (fish food, live food etc) and plant material.  

Keep the tank cool & preferably around 15C.  Lastly like any invertebrates watch out when medicating the tank, anything with copper in it is to be avoided.

You will rarely see it during the day until it is comfortable and looses its fear of you (few weeks), then you will find out how much of a character they are!

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