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Everything posted by Kiwigaz

  1. Hi there, I don't want to hijack your enquiry but I would like to get some freshwater shrimp (and also FW Crayfish - Koura) as well so if there is anyone out there that has any or would know where to get some please get in touch. Thanks in advance.
  2. Hi everyone, I am wanting to get a couple of freshwater crayfish (koura) to put in a Native/Freshwater tank and would like to know if any one knows where I can go in the Auckland region to find some. Any help or ideas on where to find some and also, any general info on keeping Koura would be much appreciated. Cheers
  3. They are all together in the 260L
  4. Haha - sure did but if you want to learn to swim....
  5. Hi, my names Gareth, I am fairly new to fish keeping/breeding (about 3.5 months). I got started in January with a breeding pair of Blue Diamond Discus which had a few free swimming babies with them. These settled in very quickly and started laying eggs within about a week of purchase and laid every 7-10 days for about 4-5 batches. Unfortunately they ate each batch and unfortunately the female died some days later with what I believe was whirling disease if anyone else has ever heard of it. Anyway I still have a beautiful male Blue Diamond and 10 juveniles. About 8 weeks ago I also purchased a breeding pair of longfin Angels who have so far laid 2 batches of eggs of which both batches have hatched and are growing very quickly! So, for someone that is new to fish keeping the hobby has expanded very rapidly with (so far) 11 Blue Diamond Discus, 2 Adult Angels, around 400 baby Angels and 4 Rummynose Tetras. I have 2x 60L, 3x 90L, 2x 200L and 1x 260L tanks at the moment so I suppose you could say I have MTS Anyway, enough waffle. Anyone have a spare female Blue Diamond Discus...? :bggrn: Cheers for now
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