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Stocking Advice - 200L


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So i've finally cycled my tank.

It's a 122cm (L) x 46cm (H) x 37cm (W)


1x Eheim Professional 2222 (500l/h)

1x Aqua One Aquis 700 (700l/h)

1x 300W Jager Heater

1x Blue Planet UV Purifier 24W

1x Plantglo LED (says it's equivalent to 3x 39W T5 tubes)

1x 40W T8 tube


2x 7kg bags of Seachem Flourite Black

1x bag of normal black gravel

Plants (so far):

Anubias Nana

Java Ferns

Christmas Moss (although it appears to be dying, think the tank is a bit too hot 28.5degrees)

Mini sags (as carpet grass)

Hydrocotyle Verticillata

Crypt Undulata

Misc Sword Plant

I use Flourish Excel / Flourish

I have 2 large Spiderwood as well

Currently I have:

6x Dwarf Neon Rainbow Fish.

Proposed Stock:

10x Dwarf Neon Rainbow Fish

5 or 6x Discus (Does anyone know a good breeder in Auckland?)

2 or 3 Otto's (for cleaning)

Would this be overstocked?

Anyone else have good stocking ideas?

Thanks :)

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I think 6 discus would be way too many in a tank that size, I'd say 2 or at the very most 3 should be the maximum, but I'm not a discus pro.

I've also read discus like lots of water above their head (ie. tall tanks) and yours is a shallow tank, so might not be the best suited for discus. :(

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I think 6 discus would be way too many in a tank that size, I'd say 2 or at the very most 3 should be the maximum, but I'm not a discus pro.

I've also read discus like lots of water above their head (ie. tall tanks) and yours is a shallow tank, so might not be the best suited for discus. :(

Correct :)

Discus - 50 litres per fish and if you havent kept them before I recommend you don't get any smaller than 8cm in size. The smaller they are, the larger and more frequent water changes they require. They are slow moving fish and therefore are not compatible with rainbow fish who zip around the tank. They do like deep tanks with lots of water over their heads so while your tank is deep enough without substrate it may not be with it. My tank is 60cm deep and my adult discus take up between 1/4 - 1/3rd that depth in body size.

Discus do not like high lighting and also don't tolerate a lot of flourish excel in the tank.

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