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Oh No :(


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Well I didn't think it would happen but it has.

The main display tank approx 300 litres sprung a leak last night.

Leaking from where the overflow goes through the bottom of the tank.

Todays mission is to try and get the carpet dry :(

Thank goodness for wet and dry vaccuum cleaners :)

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Wow! That was quick! Glad you have it all back together now...one of the tanks i bought has a very slow leak and i am waiting for my next trip to chch to buy some proper sealing silicone stuff....is it wasy to do? and how long does it take to dry properly before you can refill it? The leak was very slow...probably only went down by a mm a day....so it will take me a few days once it is refiulled to see if i have fixed it or not. Any tips on how to do a good job gratefully received :)

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I know the feeling... my fresh tank leaked in the lounge, 300l what a mess. This was the start of my salt tank, hard sell to the wife. She likes the new tank better than the oscars / fighting. Poor fish hope they are enjoying fish after life.

never again...........

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Shelly, my local super market sells silicon maybe thats easier for you than waiting for a trip into the big smoke. They good stuff usually has for aquaium use written it on.

when you do the repair use a sharp blade to remove the old silicon but dont remove it from inside the joint (between the glass) do a far wider piece than the actual leak, the whole corner if you can. A strip of masking tape 10mm from each corner makes cleaning up easier. make sure it is really really really clean. If you can use isopropal otherwise meths to clean. Apply the silicon, use a soapy finger to push it into the corner, remove the masking tape before the silicon drys and leave it over night to cure. I always take the tank outside and fill it with the hose to test it and clean out any bits old silicon, dust etc.

Anything I have forgotten anyone??

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The main display tank approx 300 litres sprung a leak last night.

Leaking from where the overflow goes through the bottom of the tank.


While I sympathise with your plight, having had a 1600L start to split a bottom seam in the past myself, your experience certainly reinforces the stance I took when Pies and others were trying to convince me of the wisdom of drilling holes in the bottom of my new tank to put circulation pumps in.

Some basic plumbing lessons sink in slowly, sometimes requiring wet feet before the dubious nature of the pressure as depth/PVC pipe/silicone sealer/glass interface is fully appreciated.


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In my case, the end result of the planning cycle was a sum total of 2 x 50mm holes, the lowest of which is centred 20.5mm below the top. Even then, they are surrounded by a glass cofferdam/overflow that only goes a few cm deeper itself.

Call me paranoid if you like.... but I figure over the last 10-12 years of reefing I have spent enough time mopping up carpets.


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