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Fluval 3 Plus


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I have a fluval 3 plus filter that I purchased a few months ago... well I've had 3 coz none of them have worked properly.. and all I am entiled to is replacements....

They seem to have no suction in the grill bits the crud just floats past it and my water is a mess, my cheap ones do a better job. Am I doing something wrong or does my LFS have a bad batch?.

I brought them because they were top of the line, and weren't cheap.. I am hoping I won't have to buy new ones at my expense

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Hmm i have a flual3 plus in a tank and it is doing a great job no problems infact its got rid of all my algae :) Do you have the flow rate turned up to full. Also turn it up and down left and right etc to remove all air bubbles while it is under water. The consumer gurantees act states that the manufacturer or in this case importer has a reponsibility to repair or replace the goods and this is at there own discretion. As this has happened 3 times allready if it happens again you could ask your LFS if they would swap it for something else as they should get a credit or replacement which they can then sell off. If it continues to happen go and have a calm talk to them if they value your buisness they should help you !! And ask for a new one not just a repaired one as they could be replacing old parts.

I do not use the air intake at all on thees filters so the problem might lie there? These filters also got a good review (from memory) in a recent issue of PFK so i just dont know :( Also what size tank is it in ?

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Thats rubbish. Under the fair trading act you are entitled to a full refund if you want it. The retailer is breaking the law!

Take this one back if it is no good and demand your money back. They have to! If they say they can only replace it, wave your arms around spouting the fair trading act. Thats usually enough to get them to pull their head in.

You can then get an Ehiem or one of the other cheaper canister filters. The x04 Fluval series is rubbish and shouldn't be touched. The older type, even though more hastle to clean, was miles better. The new ones are almost impossible to prime and keep running without air stopping them. I use a powerhead on the inlet to mine otherwise every couple of days it's just sitting there chattering and no water circulation.

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Under the consumer gurantees act shop refund only has to be given if the product cannot be repaired or replaced. If you want check on this Kellz I suggest you contact your local citizens advice bureau or the ministry of consumer affairs they will tell you exactley where you stand.

If this shop is the only one in your area i deffinately suggest not to go in waving your arms around. Like i said go have a good talk explain where you are at and how you feel, because if you have to deal with them again you want it to be on good terms. When people come into my shop with a warranty problem i am much more recptive when they are polite, of course if they are not i still fix the problem but they lose my respect.

HTH. Ben

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I've had it for over 3 months now since I've had it replaced am I still entitled to it?...

I have one running in there now that was half teh price and is 1000000000000000000000000000% better, but 109 $ is a lot of pay for something that doesnt work

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Most stuff should have a 12 month warranty. Ask if someone at the shop can show you how it is supposed to be set up as I am surprised you have had 3 in a row with a similar problem and I have not heard of anyone else having the same trouble. I still wonder if it is not being set up correctly. The shop should be keen to see a happy customer and be helping find out what the problem actually is.

Join one of your local clubs. They are full of members all ready to help. One may be willing to visit your home and have a look.

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Are you sure you don't have a leak or something Warren? I've got three 404s and never had any trouble with them getting air blockages and no more trouble priming them than any of my other filters. Well, the only time I had a problem actually was when I'd swapped the intake and outlets on the piece that mounts on the back of the tank. The outlet, I think is made a bit differently so it lets air in if they're backwards.

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hmmm. i've been depending on a 404 for gezzzz..at least a couple of yrs. no major complains really, works great....except it does chatter for a while when reassembled...due to the air i guess. this usually goes away with a few violent shakes. turning it off n then on in rapid successions does help too :D:D

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Yes, my 404 burps and farts for ages after it has been cleaned out (a bit like me :lol: ). It settles down eventually though. It is also hard to get the top on and off but they are the only complaints I have with it. Warren told me to use a little vaseline around the edge of the top and the bit where the hoses lift off and that helped a lot.

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Hi Everyone

I have to disagree with Warren. When I bought my Fluval 204, I was sceptical. After about 5 months running, without any hiccups, I can only say it is a good filter. Oh yes, there are better ones. But I am happy with mine. As for priming, a few pumps, wait until the cannister is filled, then switch on with a few more pumpstrokes and there she blows. Quiet as a church-mouse. The only time it stopped was, when I put co2 into the inlet pipe. The impeller chamber filled with co2, subsequently the pumping action stopped. And Caryl, vaseline is a good idea. When I have not got any, I use, don't laugh, spittle. It works. The hose connectors and lid, which have 'O' rings, should never be put on dry. They can be damaged.

Greetings John

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john I agree, my experience with the Fluval 304 is similar. I prime it after cleaning. Fill the cannister up, fill both the hoses and then set it back up with hoses in tank etc. Leave for a couple of minutes and set going. Then a couple of pumps and it whispers away - good as gold. However I can appreciate that there can be a faulty one of even the best brand. Kellz maybe it is a simple thing in the settingup. Or sheer bad luck in getting three faulty ones. :cry:

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Hi Kellz

As with most filters, especially cannister ones, you never change all media. Change only half, the other half has the good bacteria. The next filterchange you replace the old one. The recently replaced media should have enough good bacteria on/in it. The biological filter should be treated the same way. Once a week I put my hand to the outlet of my filterhose. If I feel a strong movement I leave it alone. I only change it if it becomes a more or less trickle.

Hope this helps a bit.

Greetings John

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