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getting a group of angelfish for my 200L

Fish Frenzy

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hello everyone,

after doing some more research and talking to specialists at hollywood fish farm, I decided to get some angels and have bought 1 (will be getting more with same breeder) that is due to pick up next week. I was just wnadring what would be the best group of angels for my tank e.g male/female or 1 male/2 females?

Set up- 200l community tank info

ph 6.5

ammonia/nitrites 0

temp between 25-26.5 degrees C

13 neons

3 platys

1 dwarf gourami

4 pepperd corys

3 gold barbs

All the fish get along very well and are all healthy little swimmers. I wouldn't want to disturb and freak them out by adding a breedig pair of agressive angels. I heard the best thing to do would be to get a group of 5 angels mixed sexes and pair them off as they get older, selling the ones that aren't in pairs and/or keeping only 1 pair. This seems wierd to do as I could just get a pair??? The seller knows which ones are f/m and they are all about 5-7cm.

any help would be appreciated

P.S i would be planning to have baby angels.

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Thank you :) I was planning on getting a group of 5 and then selling them off as breeding pair once they pair up. But with all the new additions; now 13 neon tetra and the platys I'm not sure if tat is a good idea. I don't wan to have to move them to separate tanks as the only other tank I have is a 20L that I use for babies/sick fish. So, what do you think I should do? I think I should get a pair but my mum really wants to get more than 3 angels. Will a group of 5 annoy the other fish, especially the dwarf gourami?

There is quite a large space at the front where the fish don't swim as much, only the neon tetra. Gourami comes to the top sometimes, but he likes the side plants. I just don't want them to all get annoyed at each other.

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I have 8 smallish (were smaller) in my 214 litre tank and if/when I get a pair I will reduce to just the pair as at full size 2 will be sufficient in the tank.

IMO the neons will be dinner as soon as they will fit into the angels mouths and your gourami is likely to lose its fins to any nipping that will go on.

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:( Ok. I guess I will most likely just get 2 females? I was hoping the neon would be able to hide from the angels, providing they have tall plants and a few hiding spots in the wood. I really, really hope they don't disturb the dwarf gourami, and not too doubt your experience, but I checked out a couple of vids with dwarf gourami/angels together... no problems but I'm not sure how long that lasted. I've also asked people who have tanks for sale on trademe that include angels and smaller tetra, they all said the angles are friendly and the tetra just don't get in their way. Check this out:

It's not to go against your posts guys, but I'm just a little confused at how these guys manage to have angels/gouramis/tetras together in a tank only 40 gallon (150L) tank??? :dunno: Wish I could achieve this with mine... :(

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Angels are New World cichlids so are semi-aggressive. Like everything, sometimes you can get away with it, other times you can not. Often depends on the nature of the individual fish. The only way you will know for sure is if you try it - if, when they get larger you notice your neons are reducing in number then you will know. Heres a thread of four posts - 2 say yes, 2 say no :)http://www.myaquariumclub.com/angelfish ... 14917.html

My angels are in with julii cory and young bn and no issues detected so far apart from them scrapping amongst themselves :)

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