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advice on stocking 200l tank

Fish Frenzy

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hey everone im new here so i dont know how this really works but i'll figure it out! :wave:

I have had my 200L for about a year or two now. The current occupants include:

2 dwarf gourami both males

5 peppered corys

1 danio

7 neon tetra

5 gold barbs

They all live very happily, have plenty of plants and room and are all healthy.

I am thinking of getting some more fish, but i need some advice on the temperament,Ph, etc of the fish I'd like to add:

Rhombo barbs

Adolfo catfish

Rummy nose

Cherry barbs

I know thats a lot of fish but I'm not 100% sure to get all of them, I'd be happy with the adolfo catfish, and the rhombo and cherry barbs. Please any advice or help would be great :)

Also info on my tank-


Substrate is black, very fine/ gravel like but not quite sand.

I have lots of indiqn fern, plan to add more and maybe java fern too.

There is a large driftwood with rocks undeerneath, the catfish love hiding in there.

Ph- 6.5

approx dimensions 40cm wide, 70cm high, 90cm long

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I moved your post here as the tank section does not allow others to post and is to show off your tank only.

The fish you want to add will all go well with the others. I love Rhom barbs and you do not see them very often.

Personally, I would not add all of those fish though. Not because of overstocking but I think a tank with larger numbers of a few species looks much nicer than smaller numbers of many species. 20 rummy noses, for instance, would look better than 10 rummy noses and 10 cherry barbs. The fish will interact and colour up more if in larger numbers as all are fish who like to be in a large group of their own species.

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