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compatible tank mates for 750l


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Hey all am having a tank made to fit our wall (hence odd size) it's 1600l x 780h x 600w

I am hoping for some advise from you experienced folks as I have never had cichlids before.

I really like these fish :digH:




Jack dempsey


Black ghost knife

Can anyone tell me if these will all get along? (In theory at least as there is always the odd one out of the norm) and any recommendations for stocking rates and maybe if anything else would suit to give more colour ? If it needs it. Thanks heaps

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Hey all am having a tank made to fit our wall (hence odd size) it's 1600l x 780h x 600w

I am hoping for some advise from you experienced folks as I have never had cichlids before.

I really like these fish :digH:




Jack dempsey


Black ghost knife

Can anyone tell me if these will all get along? (In theory at least as there is always the odd one out of the norm) and any recommendations for stocking rates and maybe if anything else would suit to give more colour ? If it needs it. Thanks heaps

What about a pair of altifrons,1 or 2 small bichirs,a jack Dempsey and a pleco?

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I'd leave out the dempsey and opt for a group of altifrons instead, as they can get a bit nasty when kept in pairs. The dempsey is also the odd one out in terms of aggression and water parameters (although most certainly tolerant of a wide enough range for that to not really be an issue).

As for the pleco, I'd avoid a "common" in a tank that size, bristlenose would be a much better bet, although with the eels and bichirs you may want to leave the sucker-mouth out altogether.

Only other thing is the height, 780mm is pretty tall and you're going to need some fairly thick glass, plus reaching the bottom will be quite a struggle!

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Haha funny you say that David. The two you said to leave out are the two that I had been offered for free from my dad lol he said he has jeaps of jds in his tanks and hadnt had any issues but then he did have a few fish in each tank, the Plecostomus is very large (otherwise I wouldn't have considered him at all... too common lol) yea the height is tall not to mention it's a meter off the ground! (10 mm glass) But hubby wanted that height so he can struggle with the cleaning and arranging of everything. We will be using mostly sand and driftwood I think. I think the peacock eels would be better suited over other eels as far as aggression goes too (thoughts) And definitely agree on 2 smaller bichrs. I just don't want to fall into having a boring tank

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Well I tried that calculator and it reckoned I needed 17mm glass lol. I asked before ordering the glass if I'd need 12 mm but they seem to think it wasn't necessary. They usually make their 600 talk ones out of 8mm glass with no issues so I was relying on their experience. Gulp.... hope its right

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I put your dimensions in and found with 15mm you'd get a safety factor of 2.9, or 1.9 with 12mm. I guess it all depends on how much of a safety factor you're comfortable with, but 10mm and only 1.3 on a tank of that size is pretty risky IMO. I'd be looking for someone else to build the tank if it were me.

My 700 high tank is made from 15mm glass and has a safety factor of around 3.2.

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