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2 week long dead fish!


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Hi guys need some advice. I decided today to change the hardscape in my 330L tank, lifted up a stupid ornament and fish debri went everywhere, omg the smell!! Looked inside and sure enough a well rotted fish that I didn't even know I had when I picked up the tank 2 weeks ago.

I just changed 80l of water and did a water test, results are:

Ammonia- 0.25ppm

Nitrite- 0ppm

Nitrate- about 10 or 20ppm

There is now a disgusting oil slick on the surface of the water and has even covered the siphon, omg still can't get over the smell haha, it's everywhere I go.

So what do I do now to safety clean the tank and get rid of that oil slick?

Oh and the two gouramis have been at the top of the tank breathing so a bit worries about them

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You need to get rid of the ammonia before it kills what you do have alive in the tank. Do a further water change of around 100 litres and continue to do 50% per day until the ammonia goes back to 0.

Gouramis are labyrinth fish so they always breathe air. However the ammonia will be damaging the lining of their gills.

The oil slick is probably off your hands or arms - the water change will help remove it. Fine filter wool in your filter will also help get rid of it if you have good water movement at the surface of your tank.

What have your ammonia readings been in the two weeks your have had your tank?

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The oil slick was definitely from the fish, it was completely stuck in this ornament with the only opening stuck in the sand so it contained everything, ammonia has been reading 0 since I've had it up and running, just went and got some ammonia remover to try ease this problem while I do all the water changes all the other fish aren't showing any signs of distress, yet.

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I have had this before twice, I had a E yellow stuck in a shell and did not notice. I could smell it and then noticed the oil on the water. I just did lots of water changes and changed the filter wool every day for a few days.

Another time I had a male BN trapped in a shell from a female BN that was breeding with it, he was well dead and was sitting on eggs. She had another batch of eggs waiting for the dead body to do something with. (Stupid women...) Agin lots of water changes and changing of filter wool

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You can use pillow stuffing, I get mine from spotlight.

But you can always buy a cheap throw cushion from bunnings :bggrn:

Or even a micro fibre towel, or tea towel

Place material from side to side on short side, so that one edge of the material is under the water for the whole short side of the tank.

Then just work your way to the other end of the tank in a smooth motion.

Sort of like netting a fish.

Basically you scoop the entire surface of the water with one movement, the water will pass through the material and the oil slick will stick to the fibers.

Job done, stink gone, time to cut some kindling (or whatever the next pressing job is)


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