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Cat drinking tank water?


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Not too concerned for the fish (handful of guppies), more the cat.

I have a small 60L with one of those fountain type water filters and I assume because of the running water I cant keep the cat away from it. It has a piece of glass for a lid with a small opening. If I try and block that opening the cat does whatever to unblock and yowls like its the end of the world if she cant.

Soooo my question is, is this likely to be bad for cat or fish?

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Only bad for the cat if it falls in. Bad for the fish if it is constantly spooked. Very bad for you (actually your wallet) if the cat knocks the filter so it comes apart and runs dry.

Hows the cat getting up on it?

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cool thanks, its been going on a few months so I suspected was ok. Just wanted to make sure

The fish seem more interested in the cat than the other way around, falling in wont happen not enough gap, filter is sturdy enough, tanks not really up high so she just hops over from the TV cabinet :fshi:

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Our cat used to drink from the fish tanks all the time. She was never interested in fresh water! She was never particularly interested in the fish either although they would come to the surface to watch her drink.

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one thing I learnt about cats the other day is they don't like drinking water that is near their food.

My cat never touched the water in her bowl (found many other creative water sources) so I moved it to the other side of the doorway and she now drinks from it all the time!

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Really? I did not know that. As our cat bowl was a double bowl affair that would explain why she did not drink the lovely fresh water we tried to put out for her. She always drank from puddles or the fish pond. In the end we put dry food in one bowl and meat in the other.

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