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I use to keep a pair of West African (Polypterus Birchir lepradei).

Have also seen the armoured bichir (Polypterus Delhezi) in a shop.

This is going back a few years though.

Was dead keen starting up a new tank to keep some Ornates but currently none available, oh well........

I'm still hanging out for the FW stingrays to be bought in....

Somebody is going to have to start bringing them in

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I agree, i'm after an ornate bichir as well and would love to get a f/w ray.

Might do a bit of hunting around try and find someone to bring some ornates in.

Might go talk to hollywood f/farm, they have ornates but someone snapped them up and they are all pre sold. :D

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Your best bet is probable Redwoods in CHCH.

Being an importer as well they seem to have better luck at getting them 8)

Aparently they get them in on a fairly regular basis, or so Im told.

Dosn't help me any though, Ive talked to them a few times about getting some in for me to no avail. They take my details and thats the last I hear from them.

Good luck on your hunt.

Who did buy the three at Hollywoods?

They've being sitting in their tanks for a long time now......hmmmmm

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I met the guy, who bought them at hollywood, he was there on the day i bought my albino senegal bichir, he highly recommended them to me and told me a bit about feeding them and how fast they grow(boy was he rite).

He told me that he is in the process of setting up a tank for them, that was a while ago though.

If the ornates were available that day i would have bought one, but im stoked with my albino he is very cool,and very active.

Hopefully i will get an ornate at some stage.

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I've been in contact with hollywood about them, and theyre expecting some more ornates in soon.

It would be nice to see more exotic fish available [bichirs, rays, or even some more of the less common species of cichlid] but there's not really a huge market for them here so I cant see it happening... :(

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