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Aulonocara Nyassae cobue OR hybrid??


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Look nice in a male tank. Just don't breed them.

Yeah is a nice looking fish Ron but not really keen on keeping any hybrids (except Dragons blood) and it's quite a bit bigger than everything else in there, the males about 14cm and the next biggest fish would be around 8.

Hold fire on ditching them, I will see if I have any photos of the cobue that I had.. I was one of the first people that had them direct from the importers (redwoods) so should be able to do a good comparison for you.

Cheers Ryan, would be stoked if they aren't hybrid..

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I had one of ryans males beautiful fish. Mine had the slight yellow through the anal fin but the body was solid blue yours seems to have a lot of yellow through him will be keen to see what ryan reckons. They are nice peacocks shame you don't see them round anymore.

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His colouring through the face ( they have that almost fluorescent blue fleck) and the white blaze on his dorsal looks right its just all the yellow through him that makes me think hes a hybrid. Hopefully ryan can find some pics of his stock.

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You could breed them and see if all the fry look the same

Fry would all look the same if the fish was an established hybrid line. TBH the cobue were probably not that pure or had a dubious ID at best (like most the fish that come into NZ) they are a nice fish though and seemed relatively true. I haven't had a chance to wade through the many thousand photos of fish that I have on my lap top to update this post but I will.

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