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Ismarts Tank (back from a long break)


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Hello eveyone

Back from a bit of hiatus, shut down all but one 200 odd litre tank which recently went through some 'changes' (read; pne fish grew big and ate everything overnight, the jerk)

So bought a few completely new fish to me, never kept larger south america cichlids before:



This guy


Full tank as it stands (Bob also ate most of my plants)


Feel free to give your thoughts etc

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Cool, thats what I thought but just confirming

Jack is the one I'm keeping an eye out on - information around say the electric ones don't get as big as the normal type but yeah, will adjust this if it becomes a space issue

As for Steve (the pleco), He's already stunted and fully grown - found him on TM as an adult in a 40L (a little cube that meant he was always twisted around IIRC) tank over three years ago and hasn't grown any since except for putting on lotsa weight and regrowing his fins (but again, if he does decide to shoot up in size, I'm more than happy to adjust for this)

I know it'll always be a losing battle, but what plants have the best chance?

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